Art Munson

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  • in reply to: AI And Music Creation #46939
    Art Munson

    @yzzman1: Yes, I agree. He was just promoting some bogus AI site. I deleted his comment.

    in reply to: AI And Music Creation #46900
    Art Munson

    @Advice. The dataset was created with my voice and the end result is it sounds like me from that time. I don’t currently plan to use these for production music, just streaming. Then again, this is new territory that’s constantly evolving.

    in reply to: Start from GO #46895
    Art Munson

    Welcome aboard! Needless to say but yes, it’s a long journey for most of us. Love of music is what keeps us all going. It’s been 60 years for me and I traveled many roads along the way but I still love making music!

    in reply to: AI And Music Creation #46886
    Art Munson

    This topic was published in April of 2023 and a lot has changed since then. I still think AI can be a useful tool. As an example:

    I’ve never been much of a singer but decided I had some tracks that I wanted to put my voice on. I haven’t sung since the early 80s but recently decided my 84 year old voice was not what it once was.

    Because I’m a digital hoarder and have all of my project files from that time, I decided to use my 40 year old voice on tracks I had lying around. Through the years I have transferred my 8, 16 and 24 track projects to ADAT and finally to my DAW (Cakewalk). I took all my vocals from 40 years ago, stripped out the dead air, combined them into one track, Melodyned (tuned) them and created a dataset of my 40 year old voice on I then sang the tracks, as best I could, tweaked the pitch, uploaded them back into Kits and used my dataset to create new vocals. Downloaded the vocals, tweaked them a bit more with Melodyne and also created harmony parts and voila! Works a treat.

    I also had a track where I could not find the project files and I wanted to be able to put my voice on it. I was able to create stems from the mix and it was workable enough to be able to do just that. Eventually I found the project files so I did not have to go that route.

    The point is, I feel I have just scratched the surface of useful things I can do with AI.

    in reply to: Anyone really concerned about AI in our business? #46844
    Art Munson

    @abellboy great topic and great point. It seems to me that AI is always looking backwards. So, staying current with the latest musical trends would be difficult if not impossible.

    in reply to: Premiumbeat Removed Catalogues #46676
    Art Munson

    Topic closed. Questions on this library go here:

    Premium Beat

    in reply to: How do you send links to your music #46509
    Art Munson


    in reply to: switchin affiliation question #46492
    Art Munson

    Switching your writer’s affiliation from ASCAP to BMI can be a bit complex, especially when the publisher remains with ASCAP. Here are some key points to consider:

    1. Existing Works: You have two main options:

    o Leave Existing Works with ASCAP: Your existing works can remain registered with ASCAP, and you will continue to receive royalties from ASCAP for those works. New works would be registered with BMI.

    o Transfer Existing Works to BMI: This can be more complicated, especially if the publisher is still with ASCAP. Both you and the publisher would need to coordinate the transfer, and the publisher would need to update their records with BMI.

    2. Publisher Coordination: If the publisher is an ASCAP member, they would need to agree to the transfer and update their affiliation for those works. This can sometimes be a hurdle, as it requires mutual agreement and administrative work.

    3. Royalties: If you leave your existing works with ASCAP, you will receive royalties from ASCAP for those works and from BMI for any new works. This means you might receive two separate royalty checks.

    4. Consultation: It might be beneficial to consult with both ASCAP and BMI directly to understand the specific steps and implications for your catalog. They can provide detailed guidance based on your situation.

    Switching PROs can be a strategic move, but it’s important to ensure all parties involved are on the same page to avoid any disruptions in your royalty payments.

    Looking to switch from ASCAP to BMI – MusicLibraryReport

    in reply to: Hitpoint Music #46490
    Art Munson

    1. Just listed the here, thanks for the update: Please leave questions there.

    2. You can add libraries here: Link is in the footer.

    3. Closed/out business libraries get sent to here:

    I would say the majority of the forum topics and replies are still relevant. Many people would discount the info because of the date.

    in reply to: Minimum duration for successful identification (CID) #46484
    Art Munson

    YouTube ContentID can recognize short clips. But, I would imagine if it’s too simplistic, or similar, you could get false positives or negatives.

    in reply to: Musicbed website – any composers here? #46472
    Art Munson

    Please leave any questions about Musicbed here:

    in reply to: How many pseudonyms/AKAs does BMI allow? #46466
    Art Munson


    in reply to: Identifyy alts & edits Q #46439
    Art Munson

    @mmuser. I don’t have an answer or you on whether you should upload 30s and 60s. I felt that I wanted to and did so.

    in reply to: SyncMoodTag is now SyncMusicTag #46435
    Art Munson


    in reply to: Content ID: What’s different now? #46429
    Art Munson

    I uploaded all of our cues, plus alts, (a few thousand tracks) to Identifyy a few years ago. I’m also only in non-exclusive libraries. To this day I have never had an issue with ContentID and buyers.

    Identifyy has been a nice source of extra income.

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