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  • bobsstudio

    What a great post….thanks guys for interesting reading.

    Mostly the same for me. About 4 years. Found that concentrating on libraries that actually did something for me and having a personal rapport with them helped. Quality is important and I would also say having your own recognizable style in what ever genre you excel in. Yes, you’re writing library music but each track should be your best. Heart and soul is so important….Editors will hear and notice that.

    Agree…streaming royalties are pitiful…..but hope lives eternal. We do it because we love it. The check …however big is always a nice surprise.

    My first thousand came from the end credit music to an episode of ‘Real Sex’ on HBO. Had back ends from that for a good 5 years. ( excuse the pun!!) My wife’s father was a pastor……need I say more when he heard about my success!!! haha


    Hi Alan, I would so agree with that about authenticity.

    Especially when you read Art’s thread about AI constructed music!

    Putting your heart and soul into your compositions still pays off as well as having a thick skin to take the rejections!

    in reply to: BMI TV Royalties Down? #42749

    Yup my were down to and pages were up!

    Reams of Hulu, Amazon Prime etc. at 0.0000001 cent etc!!

    O Lordy!

    PS International is continuing to outpace USA.


    Hey I’d just like to add or woman I’m doing business with!! ๐Ÿ™‚


    I’d agree with Art. When starting out I sent submissions everywhere I could. Then over the years I found the libraries that worked for me and those that didn’t.
    Having said most successful partnerships have been with libraries that I have built a personal relationship with. And they have tended to be smaller libraries. But not necessarily local.
    I’m old school and I like to be able to phone/email the man I’m doing business with, not talk to to the ether!
    Good luck on your venture.

    in reply to: Soundmouse – BMAT Should You Upload? #38996

    Thank you Art!

    in reply to: Soundmouse – BMAT Should You Upload? #38993

    Hi Art,
    What do you mean by the uploads being free? When I talked top them they sent me a bunch of prices for monitoring my tracks.
    Do you mean the one month pilot that they do for free?

    in reply to: Tinnitus, hearing aids and composing/mixing #37832

    Thomas, thank you again from me. I’ll check out all those points.
    It’s strange how the Tinnitus first appeared. At first I was hearing a very high pitched frequency when mixing a classical piece. I checked my speakers and various connections to see where the feedback was coming from. Then it mysteriously went away. Only to return about six months later…intermittently. It wasn’t until one night in bed that I realized what was going on. But the whole process took about 5 years to where I am now with the constant high pitched whistle.
    Luckily I can sleep…..but composing/mixing an Olafur Arnalds type album is posing a quite a struggle. However with the right aids and as long as things don’t get too worse I think can win.
    There’s also a lot of mind control involved I feel. With relaxation techniques and therapy.
    Again thanks for input.

    in reply to: Tinnitus, hearing aids and composing/mixing #37791

    Thanks Toby tune and Art for feedback. Much appreciated!
    I’ll check the link thanks Art.
    I kinda thought that might be the case on the processing side. I’ll def try out the spectral analyzer.
    Bone convection…..sounds interesting.
    I’ll let you know how I get on over the next few months.
    Thanks again.

    in reply to: Picking a music library #37620

    I started my library journey through Taxi 15 years ago.They got me my first library deal which was semi exclusive. ie The library re-titled my tracks which allowed me to market my work as long as it wasn’t to another library. Wouldn’t recommend this deal as it can get messy down the line….I found. I then went through a process of placing my work with a whole heap of non-exclusive libraries. I still get placements but it wasn’t until I started working with exclusive libraries that I started to see real money come in. I also found that by sticking with a few exclusive libraries and building a personnel relationship with the owners/marketing guys/etc it does seem to work. But everyone has their own story. One thing is for sure……it’s a long journey and you have to be prepared to write a lot…..I mean a lot of material.

    in reply to: Fending off giving a manual for success! #37306

    Hi guys, fascinating subject. And lots of great input. I got contacted a few years ago by a guy that had a rudimentary grasp of writing and some simple gear. He asked me for ideas about getting into the business and musical composition. And over the next 18 months he would send me tracks he had written and I would listen and send him ideas of how to improve. Well he finally got his first deal with Audiosparks and some other libraries and got placements with the BBC and other channels. The interesting thing is that he had a connection to a library that I then contacted and they turned out to be one of most lucrative contracts. The journey of giving Is usually rewarding and sometimes can be wonderfully surprising.

    in reply to: Does this seem fishy? #37239

    I’m with gen 5020 and Pat on this. I’ve had adjustments in the past from BMI and luckily they have only been a few dollars. As long as you haven’t spent the money! I would try to get to the bottom of this rather than get a shock some months down the road.

    in reply to: Does this seem fishy? #37212

    I would definitely check with BMI on this one.

    in reply to: BMI Payout #37211

    Me too, mine was down from this quarter last year. International was down but USA was way down.


    Cheers Art!!

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