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  • in reply to: To Website or not to Website….that is the question. #20169

    Have you looked into a dedicated player for your website, like a wimpy player? Are they more secure than sound cloud?

    I haven’t, but I probably should. I’ve heard it said that, anything that can be played online is more than likely vulnerable. The downside of having stuff on the web I guess!

    And yes, by creds, I also mean any professional musical endeavors.

    in reply to: To Website or not to Website….that is the question. #20163

    Nope. Just get a Soundcloud account.

    I put up songs there to provide links for music libraries. All of that bio info and other stuff doesn’t matter to them, at least initially. They want to hear the music first. Soundcloud is a simple solution for hosting a few songs for audition..

    I still use soundloud, but my music, as well as everyone else’s has been stolen from Soundcloud, so I’m trying not to add any new stuff on there. As far as the “bio stuff”, if you don’t have any creds, then yes it doesn’t matter, but if you do, then I think it really helps. I did my own simple website with iweb, that looks nice, works well, and you can send libraries a link to it, to show that you are professional. To me it’s good to have a webpage to tell libs what YOU want them to know about you. Just my thoughts!

    in reply to: BMI Change in Royalty Calculation Methods #19496

    I do know my last 2 BMI statements have been pretty disappointing. Both were around half of what the previous 4 quarters were. Any SESAC writers out there? I’d like to see how their numbers have been? I know there are a ton of factors involved though.

    in reply to: How often? How many? #19369

    Flooding of the market. Simple as that. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to keep up no matter how often or how much you upload, I’m afraid.

    I agree. I’ve been noticing how fast new files are being uploaded on some RF sites. Staggering! I think you need to find those niches which are poorly represented and focus on them. But I have decided to upload alot less frequently, because like you said, all you are doing is adding to the problem of being buried in the haystack.

    in reply to: Choosing An Exclusive Library #19338

    Anyone cat to comment on this real life scenario: Track is exclusive pitch geared towards airplay on a specific show, if it doesn’t get chosen for the show, gets rolled over into said libraries’ NE catalog. Thoughts? Is this a common practice?

    Hadn’t heard of anything like that yet. That seems like a bum deal for you and the library. If you send them a great exclusive track, it might end up as a NE track, so why would you send your best stuff? To me that’s a lose/lose situation.

    in reply to: Choosing An Exclusive Library #19330

    Yes you definitely have to be careful where you put your exclusive stuff. I wouldn’t do in perpetuity unless it’s a decent upfront payment. A reversion will give you a way out of under performing libraries. I do as much research as I can on here and other places, and in the end, and go with my gut. Best of luck!

    in reply to: Systems for recording new materials…… #18678

    If I know which library I am sending a certain cue to, I will create stems or mixes that I know they will want at mixdown. Lately, if I don’t know exactly where they will be sent, I’ll just do a stereo mix, that I can convert to mp3 if needed. No sense in doing a bunch mixes, they might not need or want. Different libraries want different file formats, and in the past I’ve done work ahead of time, that wasn’t needed, and therefore a waste of my time. Just my thoughts.

    in reply to: If You Had to Choose One….. #18590

    You’re welcome. While I hope that’s not the reason so few people responded, I think it’s probably true. Some folks are scared to death in this business. My theory is, MANY people have helped me, and maybe I can help someone else out. The golden rule. Even if you told everyone your top library, not everyone writes in the same genres, or with the same quality. Just because a person knows about a library, it doesn’t mean they’ll get accepted. The chances are low, that they will steal work away from you. Also the library ratings are great, but 3 of us listed JP as our top library, and it’s only got a 5.5 out of 10! It’s alot of trial and error, and using your gut. I think each libraries comments will give you a better picture. Just my two cents. Best of luck!

    in reply to: Loops Probably Don’t Have the Same Effect #18574

    Great, except that the post isn’t about loops. It’s about how playing a musical instrument affects your brain.

    It’s actually a post about playing a musical instrument, that MichaelL, the post starter, turned into a post about loops, thus the title. MichaelL, you are the one who brought up the loops, and I think you were trying to bait and insult a certain someone from the get go. Am I the only one who is annoyed by MichaelL’s condescending tone? I would love to hear some of his earth shattering compositions, especially coming from an obvious master composer! I usually don’t comment on things like this (the old rule if you can’t say something good, say nothing at all), but I really feel like MichaelL and a few others are being just big bullies. I know DI can be annoying, and I’m not into loops either, but keep it to yourself, don’t go out of your way to stir up crap! There you have it, end of rant!

    in reply to: If You Had to Choose One….. #18452

    It would have to be JP for me as well. I find the same thing DI. My older NE stuff is still getting placed, while the newer stuff hasn’t gained much traction. Maybe it just takes time, or like Art said, maybe the catalog is that much bigger, and therefore more watered down.

    in reply to: xhail – it was only a matter of time #18227

    I can see it hurting the RF market a little, since that’s about all that alot of “composers” are doing these days. Just cutting up band in a box, or other loops and “creating” songs, that IMO sound terrible. There are some great RF composers, but a bunch aren’t. I don’t think too many music supervisors are going to sit around and create their own music for shows. The shows may hire someone, just to do that though, who knows.

    in reply to: BMI 1st quarter How'd everybody do? #18128

    Great to hear from everyone. Glad it’s just me. Just part of the ebb and flow I’m sure. Here’s to a better 2nd quarter!

    in reply to: Music agents vs RF sites #18091

    I keep my Rf separate from my licensing catalog. And I also use a pseudonym for the RF stuff.

    in reply to: Good Advice #18048

    The Michelmore link is priceless! Love his wit and personality. Very inspiring, just what I needed to hear today. Thanks for the link!

    in reply to: How long to wait? #17990

    I find that if THEY are interested in your stuff, THEY will contact you with in a few days. If I never get a response, I will wait a year and re-submit. I only send them a link to my tunes as a demo. I would never send certain cues only to a certain library. Cues stuck in limbo, or on a shelf, can’t make you any money! It’s first come, first served. If there are certain tunes they like, that have already been placed by then, tell them you can write something new, that sounds like it!

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