Tracks accepted, now what?….

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    I was wondering what the process was once accepted into a Non-exclusive library. I’m a regular weekly uploader to a handful of the royalty free sites I’m in. But I had been accepted into a handful of non-exclusive libraries. One I contacted and sent some tracks, one of which they accepted and I offered to send along more. However when I did was told that they have more tracks then they could handle and to please stop sending. WIth this particular library I had handpicked 10 of what I considered my best. Others I write to their briefs (which they regularly send) but when asked they essentially say the same thing but welcome me to write for their briefs (which I have and have had tracks accepted. SO, not sure . Somewhat disappointed to be accepted into a library , then asked not to send tracks and have not heard from or seen a brief since. So wondering in general what the protocol is and if there was a difference between the NE and RF libraries. Once in then what?


    I’ve never been asked NOT to send new tracks to a NE library. Maybe my genres aren’t well represented? Maybe your NE libraries already have a lot of your style cues? Have you tried any Exclusives? I’m in a few libraries that started out as NE but went Exclusive, and they always took whatever I sent, and still do. Might be time to submit to some exclusives, who don’t have a lot of the styles that you do. Best of luck!


    If the library name started with “S”, you are not the only one. I think the catalog is pretty full and they’ve been asking some folks to stop submitting, especially NE.

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