No Broadcast Royalties? SIAE

Home Forums PROs No Broadcast Royalties? SIAE

  • This topic has 17 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 12 years ago by #tag.
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  • #5579

    Just wanted to add that I did receive a final answer that SIAE does not pay broadcast royalties on TV PSA’s (which my song was used for)….

    hmmm…I wonder if I can just claim that I don’t pay taxes on sync fees for PSA spots.


    thanks again for all the help 🙂

    here’s a link to my latest tune… enjoy!


    I am not confused at all

    well, unexperienced then.

    if SIAE pays you directly, it’s: track revenues minus SIAE commission fee, if you go through another PRO is track revenue minus SIAE commission and minus your PRO commission.

    this is true for every pro, regardless of what you think of siae.
    so your suggestion to mike to abandon siae didn’t make any sense because he is not a memeber in the first place and because you still have to go through SIAE and their commissions if the spot was aired i Italy.

    hope i’ve cleared it out for you but if you have any other question i’ll be happy to answer.


    Just wanted to add that I did receive a final answer that SIAE does not pay broadcast royalties on TV PSA’s (which my song was used for)….

    Mike if you can give us more details I could help you better with SIAE regulamentations and fees.. where was the spot played (channel, kind of show etc)?

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