Art Munson

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  • in reply to: Question regarding licensing request for a YouTube video #8760
    Art Munson

    Personally I think $1.00 is way to low. My take would be $30-$50.

    in reply to: Greetings #8696
    Art Munson

    I would like to first express my gratitude to Art for this amazing website,

    Thanks Chris, welcome aboard!

    Art, is the Cue Critiques section of the forum the best way to get feedback, or could I just link to my Soundcloud page?

    Now that’s an interesting thought. Is it possible to embed more than a link. Maybe the actual player? That way I could start a forum for critiques and folks could embed the Soundcloud player with their tune. Possible?

    in reply to: cd identifier with BMI?? #8686
    Art Munson

    Got the answer

    in reply to: Define 'publishing' and 'administering publishing'… #8678
    Art Munson

    Typically on a non-exclusive the library will re-title the song, register that title with BMI with you as composer and they as publisher. That gives them the publishing income.

    in reply to: Define 'publishing' and 'administering publishing'… #8676
    Art Munson

    This thread will answer some questions for you.

    PRO, re-titling and publishing – confused foreign newbie.

    in reply to: Self Licensing via website for Royalty-free? #8671
    Art Munson

    BTW, I also have a limited time free account with LicenseQuote and I’m playing with that one too. You don’t really need to use all of the licensing options they offer and can use a simple “Buy” button. I’m intrigued by the ability to use API calls. If you want to see a nice implementation of that check out The site is in Italy and the English is a bit mangled in spots but I love how that site looks and functions.

    in reply to: Self Licensing via website for Royalty-free? #8670
    Art Munson

    I’ve tried Source Audio ( a couple of times with their free 30 day account option. It’s very slick, with a lot of functionality but I passed and here’s why.

    1.) Expensive. When you start adding in all the alt mixes for each song (I currently do eight per song) the price really climbs.

    2.) No capability to reference an external server where your tracks might be stored. That would require me to upload everything to Source Audio.

    3.) They have a “Buyer Network” but the buyers pay $99 per month. Huh? They want music buyers to pay for the privilege of buying your music. Maybe I missed something there but I don’t get that one.

    I will say their tech support was great and they are very responsive. My biggest complaint was the fact that I could not store my files externally.

    Finally, I welcome anyone from Source Audio to come on MLR and join the conversation.

    in reply to: Self Licensing via website for Royalty-free? #8666
    Art Munson

    Fair enough Doug. I won’t post anything more about this. My apologies.

    Please keep posting Mark. It sounds like a great product and I encourage you to keep us all informed!

    in reply to: Self Licensing via website for Royalty-free? #8665
    Art Munson

    the posts were deleted and the vendors given the bum’s rush…

    But, is this type of discussion allowed, or not? Can’t figure it out.

    Well, yes and no and I plead guilty for not being consistent. It generally works on my relationships with such vendors and their willingness to be a part of the MLR community. Mark from ML has been involved here almost from the beginning and consistently stays involved. Michael Borges from LicenseQuote has had less involvement but I’ve talked with him on the phone a number of times and he’s been very helpful with specific questions I have had. A number of sites using LicenseQuote are fairly successful and for some composers it’s a great solution, it’s particularly slick when you get into the API calls.

    Other vendors tend to jump in when their only intent is to try and sell a product. I try to ask them to get involved and if not, at least take out an ad (my ad rates are very reasonable). They always go away so I question their motives. BTW I have checked out most of them and, along with the experience of building my own site, find they are expensive or found wanting in some other way.

    in reply to: Self Licensing via website for Royalty-free? #8658
    Art Munson

    I don’t see it as a threat to existing RF sites. You will not be able to duplicate the investment of dollars and man hours of libraries like AudioSparx and Musicloops.

    I agree.

    1) What size catalog do you think is necessary to make a viable option,

    To a some degree I’m not sure that matters (certainly in the high hundreds but I do not have facts to back that up). It’s going to be more about marketing, SEO, social media, etc. Getting ones head around how best to that will be key IMHO. I would imagine the approach will be different for each person.

    2) how much variety should the catalog have?

    I would think as much as possible.

    3) is it manageable for one (or two) people without taking away too much composing time?

    It will take time, lots of it but I enjoy the aspect of building something I have control over. I look at the number of tracks I have and know that most of them have sold somewhere. To me it’s a numbers game of getting in front of as many buyers as possible. That’s a challenge I enjoy taking on, sometimes more than composing.

    in reply to: Music Supervisor Guide #8656
    Art Munson

    You need to search MLR before posting. They are listed at Check out that link. The topic here is now closed.

    in reply to: Self Licensing via website for Royalty-free? #8623
    Art Munson

    wordpress and drupal not so cheap.


    Our system would not be a black box.

    Got it, thanks.

    in reply to: Self Licensing via website for Royalty-free? #8621
    Art Munson

    I am also thinking of offering a bulk upload system driven by csv files.

    That’s what I do with my site. A csv file directly into the mysql database.

    One suggestion I would make would be the ability to recognize path statements for files stored on another server. My WordPress site is hosted one place but all the music files are in a bucket on Amazon S3 servers.

    in reply to: Self Licensing via website for Royalty-free? #8620
    Art Munson

    Thanks Mark, you have really thought this through and it sounds like a great product.

    One small note:

    It is much harder to program for WordPress than it is for mysql/php (which is also a hugely popular and stable platform).

    Wordpress is based on mysql/php.

    Anyway, looking forward to your solution. I think I would probably scrap mine and go for yours.

    in reply to: Self Licensing via website for Royalty-free? #8612
    Art Munson

    Hi Mark,

    With your experience in running ML over the years you have a great handle on this. As mentioned earlier the two things that vexed me were grouping alternate mixes and multiple playlists. Because you have a grouping ability on ML I would assume that would be available in this package.

    The one thing I don’t believe you mentioned is multiple play lists. The way I have it set up at is that a customer has the option to create multiple playlists for various projects. As they go through the site they add songs to any of the playlists they have created. Once they are ready to check out they can go to a specific playlist and dump the songs into the shopping cart. The play lists are maintained in the system and do not end when the current session ends. They are not required to use play lists and can add to the shopping cart directly.

    Another feature I have is the ability to assign every track a “type” of alternate mix (DnB, loop, 15 Second, 30 Second, etc.). The advantage of that is a customer can select a search by genre and type of mix. As an example “Action/Adventure, 15 Second”. Or they could just select “15 Second” and get all 15 Second tracks. I think that is a handy feature.

    The only possible downside would be maintaining your software over the years. If you decide to retire at some point (hah!) would there be a path to keeping the software up to date? The advantage with WordPress is that there is a huge community invested in extending and maintaining that platform. Still, I would be seriously interested in your solution, as you describe it.

    Thanks for contemplating offering this!


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