56 Strat

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  • in reply to: Cool interview with Tony Anderson #15384
    56 Strat

    Although I learned the fundamentals on how to read and write music much later in the game , just enough to get me by because I teach on the side, I have to put myself in the camp of ” no I don’t ” . Outside of teaching I never use it and never even consider it as I’m self taught and am a ear and instinct player. MichealL correctly says it all in a nutshell.

    in reply to: I've seen it all now… #15325
    56 Strat

    A parody site ….. well, I sure was suckered into that one, LOL !

    in reply to: I've seen it all now… #15311
    56 Strat

    Incredible !! How bad can it get ! What is written on the home page is totally insane. Yes, and I don’t care what anyone says, this library should be trashed into dust !

    in reply to: I was offered this amount of money for a release #14615
    56 Strat

    Exactly Tbone ! I agree with you 100% ! I was going to chime in after I read music pro’s comment but you said much of what I was going to say. Music pro, with respect [ I’m not bashing ], ” Adapt ” ??? adapt to what ? it’s some of this ” adapting ” to bad deals without a fight and desperation that contributed to the down spiral for artists. It’s more than just the saturation of the market. Peter , ask for 100% writers share, it’s your right. It won’t kill the deal like others are saying here. You very well could get it and and at very worse there might be a little more negotiation. it will be a great learning experience for you. By the way, congrats 🙂

    in reply to: Comparing various RF music libraries….. #14502
    56 Strat

    Pond5 and Productiontrax are my two consistent sites. Pond5 is now my top site. I mentioned in another thread how P5 was slowly getting better for me, it’s still the case, in fact, over the weekend I had 3 sales in one day [ a first for me ] and two more the following day. It’s only about 11 or 12 days into the 30 day period and I’m already at BME with them. I get something every month from MusicLoops but it’s not what it once was. The other RF sites I’m with is all over the place, some months decent, others nothing or very very little. My price range varies from $30 = $50 depending on length and edit.

    in reply to: That's It #9754
    56 Strat

    Hi B minus. I did inquire on some of it but always got the same answers from both sides ” if they don’t don’t that we can’t do that ” ,catch 22 … blah blah blah !  Just on two sites alone I have 16 tracks licensed for full broadcast, that’s not counting the others which will be even more than those in the end, mind you, I’m sure some of them were not used in the end anyway but I’m certain that not all of them received the same fate. It’s a case of relying on other people to file the cue sheets which they are suppose too. I’m going to make a final tally once again later tonight with all my tracks licensed this past 4 years for full broadcast as I too gave up hope of seeing anything. I have some on MTV that I inquired about with the agent that placed it or them , he said he would inquire about it but he never did get back to me on that, that was quite a while ago. it’s been less than a year for the MTV thing so I might see something yet ……. yeah, but the silence on it !!!

    in reply to: That's It #9752
    56 Strat

    B Minus ….. I feel your pain and frustration and understand where you’re coming from. I have quite a few tracks that were licensed for full broadcast over the last 3 to 4 years but havn’t received a single penny yet, nothing, zilch ! A couple are now registered on the ASCAP data base so maybe in time I’ll see something there , but all the others ? hopeless it seems, and it certainly wasn’t a screw up on my end of things. Yeah , it’s frustrating to come on here and read about everyone commenting on their latest PRO payment and I sit there without a penny to claim, LOL ! Then again, there may be some factors involved that I’m not aware of as I’m still quite new to the market compared to some on here. But it just seems odd !

    in reply to: Too much lows on this? #9176
    56 Strat

    Actually gdomeier, it’s refreshing to hear something with ” body “. You have a nice full warm sound happening there with good clarity, all of which is missing in too much of today’s music and recording styles. a bit too hot of a level for my personal taste [ but that’s all it is, my personal taste ]. Too much lows ? no, not at all ! it’s a big warm and full sound with actual tone, like days gone by 🙂  Stay the course your on gdomeier , love it, good job …… and a very cool tune !

    in reply to: My first year, the numbers game and the long game… #7415
    56 Strat

    ” I don’t think the RF libraries should be underestimated ” …… I agree with you EagleCinematics in more ways than one. One doesn’t have to drive a Rolls Royce or walk on gold bricks to be somebody or to be successful. There are many successful world class brilliant composers involved with the RF model, and some are right here on MLR  and there are others on here that are better than what they give themselves credit for. MichaelL sums it up quite well. I’m with a few different tier libraries but I really do like the RF model as it’s now giving me somewhat of a steady income, I make something every month  and I still have total control of everything . I’m also with of the RF libraries that are mentioned on this thread.

    in reply to: Is Jingle Punks dead? #6389
    56 Strat

    ” Looking for young and hungry composers in L.A. ” …. hmmmmm …… well , IMHO that says a lot about their intentions ……. that sounds like …. lets go after the inexperienced greenhorns because we expect many experienced and wise composers probably won’t go for this new deal !!! But then again I could be totally wrong, who knows for sure, hey ??

    in reply to: Is it slow or just me? #6089
    56 Strat

    I don’t know why but for the last 3 years the slowest part of the year [ summer ] has been the best for me, this July is turning out to be a BME.  This past Fall which is suppose be a busy stretch of the year was the worst ever this past year and so so the previous years ……. go figure ?????

    in reply to: Its Official: music Superviors.com is not a good look #5793
    56 Strat

    Musicsupervisor.com is what I meant. Big Rome mentioned ” Gail ‘ [ Gael ] in his post. When I read that I didn’t even give any thought to the actual library title ” musicsupervisors.com “, it can easily be mistaken between the two. I checked out musicsupervisors.com, they charge a submission fee, $25 for 3 songs and up from that for more tracks.

    in reply to: Its Official: music Superviors.com is not a good look #5762
    56 Strat

    Yeah , same here. Been with them for about 3 years too, 90 plus tracks, very low hits and listens. I have around 8 or 9 tracks with the ” it is in use in an active project ” and a handful of others were accepted into project folders through their SOS , but nothing has come of it.

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