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  • in reply to: Largest single-use PRO amount you've seen? #27057

    that’s a brilliant pay out frequencee. if you could get a few of these regularly you’d be laughing. i heard the track, it fits perfect for something like tennis. the tennis channel is cable though is it not network? so cable can pay just as good as the big networks it seems.

    in reply to: Regarding Exclusive Libraries #26983

    but Mark how could anyone be sure that’s what will happen? even if they library in question has a good rep of placements thats no guarantee that the next exclusive track one gives them has the same success so there has to be an element of gut feeling with this no?

    in reply to: Anyone with experience with Spotify? #26955

    you’d make more from radiosparx/audiosparx. unless you’re ed sheeran spotify is not going to work for you i’d imagine.

    in reply to: NBC St Patrick's Day Parade Cue #26930

    from another Irishman congrats. god they really start the promoting of st paddys day early over there. the Americans nearly make a bigger deal about it than us Irish it seems 🙂

    in reply to: Largest single-use PRO amount you've seen? #26915

    i like this thread very inspiring. anyone had any good pay outs recently on the networks, CBS, FOX, ABC etc? do the networks pay the rest when it comes to PRO?

    in reply to: most approachable PMA's ? #26911

    hi guys just on the PMA website here. i’m a bit confused. under the tab called resources there are two filters one called all library prefixes and other called PMA member prefixes. whats the actual difference between the two? alot of the same libraries seem to be listed in both lists but the all library prefixes list has about 2000 entries while the PMA member list has about 900. which list is the most important or are they both different things?

    in reply to: AdRev #26910

    so is AdRev a good thing to be with if you have exclusive tracks with exclusive libraries? is it up to the library to register the tracks with AdRev?

    in reply to: Are You Genre Specific? #26741

    never. the way i see it, if it doesn’t move me emotionally or excite me i wouldn’t make or listen to it. also those people who have a passion for lets say Jazz for example are always going to be a million times better at making it than me who doesn’t like the genre.

    in reply to: Exclusive vs. Non-Exclusive Strategy? #26720

    to be honest i think its a bit unreasonable to think MI wouldn’t eventually go this road when their main competitor in the market JP went exclusive a while back. they have to stay competitive and if they are going to their clients with a bunch of NE tracks that are all over cyberspace including in JP how is that going to be a selling point for them? i can understand if i was a full time composer this would be very frustrating but this is the free market, evolve with it or drown as they say. i think anyone who has a career in a creative art like music that they have a passion for should count themselves very privileged. in my opinion we could be entering a world where no-one can afford to do music full time and all musicians will be part time with another career to pay the bills. i hope not, but if its to be i’m ready for the reality that i may only ever be able to do my dream job to the extent it allows me go part time in my day job. actually that sits pretty ok with me at the moment.

    in reply to: Exclusive vs. Non-Exclusive Strategy? #26678

    i think if this is going to be the model going forward for most/all the libraries that focus on getting air-time back-end money only then those libraries need to do more to ensure that the composer is not wasting their time and energy submitting tracks that will just sit gathering dust. of course there are never any guarantee’s but libraries should be very specific to what they require by sending out detailed brief’s and references to what their clients actually want. then it’s up to the composer to respond to those brief’s. but if a composer complains about giving away a selection of their material exclusively blindly well then they have only themselves to blame imo. nobody is putting a gun to your head and telling you to submit these tracks to such libraries. instead stay non-exclusive/RF or find exclusive libraries to work with that offer both sync and back-end. i really dont see what the issue is. and i can see it from the libraries point of view. we composers might be competing against each other but they are also competing against other similar libraries to themselves. what’s going to be more attractive to the clients than to know that the tracks they are getting from a particular library are unique to that library and are not going to found in another 50 libraries under different names and prices.

    in reply to: Tunesat 50 Free cue monitoring #26622

    strange because in the guide it says the meta data is optional. clearly not. thanks Art.

    in reply to: Tunesat 50 Free cue monitoring #26619

    decided to give this service a go with the free account. so i uploaded about 5 tracks 2 days ago, so now what? do you have to do all the meta data tagging or does it do the detections without tags? when do you know your tracks are watermarked and are being scanned for detection? do you just have to sit and wait for few weeks and see what comes in under the detection menu?

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