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  • in reply to: own publishing company? #21945

    I’m with BMI, and yes, if you don’t have a pub company of your own, and you get a placement on your own, then you would get the writer and the publisher’s share. BUT if you have your music placed with a library, then 9 times out of 10, THEY are the sole publisher, and depending on your contract, they are entitled to the publisher’s share, and you get the writer’s share. Of course this depends on your agreement with them. Most deals I’ve signed are a 50/50 split. If your song make $100, the library gets the publisher’s share of $50, and you get the writer’s share of $50. But there are many different scenarios. Some libs also take 50% of your writers share, and give the publishing to the TV show. It gets deep fast! So for me, I have a pub company of my own with BMI, but have never used it with any placement stuff, just songs recorded for album releases. Hope that helps you.

    in reply to: Looking for general feedback…… #21874

    Well, had long response typed up, but it disappeared! I think you are headed in the right direction. I agree with Michael N. about the drums. Learn how to make them sound more real, mess with them, throw some eq, distortion, etc on them, and make up some different patterns. Mix the individual tracks, not just a stereo drum track. Also, just my opinion, but the real instrument overdubs need to be locked in better with the drums, the timing is a little out of pocket. Overall, work on your production quality, mixes, real instrument tones. Amp sims can sound great, just get the most out of them. If you work on these areas (there’s a TON of great tutorials online for all of these issues), you will definitely up your game and hopefully get more placements. Just work on one thing at a time. I like your ideas and the feels you are going for. Kudos for being brave enough to put your tunes up here!


    I was very lucky. It took about 7 months. It was a Christmas online commercial. First TV background use, took about the same. Of course a lot longer to get paid for the TV use!

    in reply to: Discovery royalties? #21579

    Yes that would help, wouldn’t it!

    3 Plays $25.36…26 seconds
    3 Plays $12.69…21 Seconds
    3 Plays $13.98…21 Seconds
    2 Plays $21.04…21 Seconds

    in reply to: Discovery royalties? #21575

    I think he’s looking for a real answer, not philosophy. Here’s a few numbers from my last statement. Still don’t understand the rhyme or reason. It also depends on the show popularity. Hope that helps!

    3 Plays $25.36
    3 Plays $12.69
    3 Plays $13.98
    2 Plays $21.04

    in reply to: Is Tunesat working? #21412

    Great. Thanks Art!

    in reply to: Is Tunesat working? #21408

    Anyone had any detections lately? I usually have at least a few a day, and have had nothing for 8 days or so. Haven’t reached my 50 detections this month yet either. Just wondering if it’s working for everyone else. Maybe I just haven’t had any placements! Thanks!

    in reply to: Q about Performance Royalties #21322

    I’ve made a several hundred bucks off of a pseudo classical gut string solo guitar piece I wrote. On MTV actually! Maybe not a huge market, but If you already have them recorded, why not give them a shot. I think you’ll only get half of the royalties since it’s a PD arrangement, at least that’s according to BMI. Good luck!

    in reply to: BMI Statements #20959

    Definitely down for me from the same quarter last year. Getting a little depressing, but still hanging in there. I keep hoping some of my newer cues will kick in, and help out the numbers. I was hoping to make most of my living with TV music when I got to 500 cues. I’m a little over half way there, and there’s no way I could live on double my BMI money!

    in reply to: Classical Guitar Music #20396

    DI is right. You might sell some classical guitar music on AJ, but the exclusive or even non-exclusive libraries that are not Royalty free would be the place to go. I have a few solo classical guitar pieces and a few with strings, that have made some decent income in some of the non RF libraries. Best of luck!

    in reply to: No Sync Fees? #20212

    I thought he was talking $100 per cue, and I hope that’s the case. I was giving a per cue fee. If it’s 15 songs, it SHOULD be around $7500 for the whole project. I’d at least try to get $3000 for 15 cues.

    in reply to: No Sync Fees? #20207

    You have to do whatever you feel is right, but yes you will be very angry if Nike picks it up and all you get is $100! The PRO money may add up though. It may open up doors, but more than likely, if they can get you to work that cheap, they won’t ever pay you more. Just my thoughts. Best of luck either way!

    in reply to: No Sync Fees? #20202

    I don’t think these tracks would be for reality TV, as this library seems pretty high-class in terms of placements (McDonalds, Nike, Apple, etc).

    That’s what you’d be giving up in lieu of the upfront money. Those sync fees can be huge, 4 figures and up. I just did some tracks for a deal like this, and the upfront money was in the little less than $500 range, no sync fees, but 100% writers. I personally think you should make $500 a track in this situation, but that may be out of the question. It also depends on how much you need the upfront money!

    in reply to: How to add pseudonym to BMI account? #20175

    Thanks Paolo.

    in reply to: To Website or not to Website….that is the question. #20174

    So much for block quotes! Sorry!

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