MLB, NFL , Fox sports – payout averages

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  • #36077 Reply
    Gus Caveda

    I’m with BMI and I get a bunch of royalties from different sport channels. My biggest payout was last year 4th qtr distribution. I got the majority of my money from several playoffs, repeats on different sport channels and Super Bowl.

    #36124 Reply
    Brian Michael Fuller

    I’m with BMI, and last years NFL games paid me pretty well on CBS Sports. About $125 for 30 seconds and that was after my 50% co-writer split. Granted these were playoff games:)

    However, get this, my co-writer, is with ASCAP and he only made $12!!! He is switching to BMI this year.

    I’m sure it’s unique experiences, depending on networks etc… but he has seen enough and since we do a lot of sports, he is taking the leap.

    #36127 Reply
    David David Rockower

    Well, my experience with ascap is moderately positive. I’ve had the few sports placements that actually pay, and well over 100 that fall outside of the survey. However, after discussing with a rep, it’s unlikely that the amount of money those lesser viewed placements would pay would amount to very much anyway. A channel that airs college football for example may not pay that much in pro fees in the first place, and dividing it up further diminishes amounts that do actually get paid. I know that everyone wishes the answer was we should all be paid more.. however…. essentially, ascap onlynreally surveys where the money is.

    #36128 Reply
    Gael MacGregor

    BMI will honor cue sheets. That’s why it’s imperative that you have included in ALL agreements — whether with libraries or you’re licensing on your own— the stipulation the they will provide you with copies of ALL cue sheets within a particular timeframe (usually 30-90 days from first release/air date).

    ASCAP survey policy is especially unfair to those who may only have a few compositions licensed. Guesstimating is not a fair business model. If you can prove placement/use you should be paid. Surveys mean whoever has lots of music out there is likely being paid more than actual uses, and those with minimal music out there get nothing or next to nothing.

    Another reason for cue sheets in your contracts is that production companies mess up all the time, and forget to file cue sheets. If you have copies, as a content owner you can file the cue sheets yourself, should your PRO tell you none have been filed.

    And BMI and ASCAP are no longer the only choices any more, albeit SESAC & GMR are by invitation (but you can ask for one).

    #36129 Reply

    what kinda rates have people seen for MLB network, NHL and BTN?

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