Art Munson

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  • in reply to: Youtube Royalties? #5902
    Art Munson

    FYI. For those of you who are not up to speed on the YouTube Content ID system please read

    in reply to: changing identity… #5875
    Art Munson

    This may sound ridiculous to you, but the other reason is that I’m starting to produce a number of hard rock/metal pieces and some people MAY have a problem with this.Think conservative idealogues.There are corners of this country (US) that are so conservative it’s scary.At least to me anyway.

    Great point Pat!

    in reply to: Retitling my cues #5872
    Art Munson

    Hi Art, I’m 5 pages into the thread called Retitling and it seems to be about retitling work that is in exclusive libraries. And then there’s the non-exclusive libraries’ own retitling of work that they can obtain publishing rights for.

    Can I simply ask:
    Even if the library I use retitles my work elsewhere, is there anything legally wrong with me retitling my own work for other non-exclusive libraries?

    Or is there something else I’m missing?

    You need to keep reading to grasp all of the implications. I for one have no problem with re-titling my music for different libraries and/or situations but many others would vigorously differ with me.

    in reply to: Nice Payout this quarter from BMI #5867
    Art Munson

    guscave: I have direct deposit. The money goes in a day before the statements go out from BMI.

    I have direct deposit also but mine shows up on the day of distribution.

    in reply to: Nice Payout this quarter from BMI #5865
    Art Munson

    BMI deposit just hit my bank account and a nice bump from last quarter, best one to date. Hope everyone did equally well!

    in reply to: Retitling my cues #5864
    Art Munson

    Can I get anybody’s advice about retitling my work and submitting it to other libraries? Are there any things I need to think about beforehand? We are talking about royalty free cues that I own in this context.

    Please got the Newbies section and read the various links on re-titling.

    in reply to: Nice Payout this quarter from BMI #5860
    Art Munson
    Keymaster do you modify/edit a reply? I don’t see that option in the forum.

    Just checked it as a “subscriber” and there is an edit link right above and to the right of a reply you make. It’s right next to the reply #. As an example your reply number was #5857. Should be just to the left of that.

    in reply to: Nice Payout this quarter from BMI #5857
    Art Munson
    Keymaster do you modify/edit a reply? I don’t see that option in the forum.

    Only admins can. I think I have to assign rights to logged in users but not sure. I’ll look into it.

    in reply to: Nice Payout this quarter from BMI #5850
    Art Munson

    Hmmm, how did you get that early? Tomorrow (6-22-12) is the quarterly distribution date.

    Forgot to mention, congrats!

    in reply to: Comments Section #5780
    Art Munson

    Hi Chris,

    Sorry about your problem but not sure what the problem could be. Please try logging out, clearing your browser cache and try again. Also try another browser. E-mail me through the comments section or PM me.

    in reply to: Top 5 Front End Earners & Top 5 Back-End (PRO) Earners #5778
    Art Munson

    @Elvis Lives. This question gets asked all the time here, that’s why I wrote this blog post.

    Please read the Newbie Section also.

    in reply to: Contract Terms Question #5770
    Art Munson

    I don’t think you are wrong but I’ve seen these kinds of clauses in a lot of contracts. Never did like them.

    in reply to: Its Official: music is not a good look #5768
    Art Munson

    Same here. 85 tracks, 150 plays, 4 downloads and no sales. Been about three years.

    in reply to: The FAQ does say "for a licence fee", not for free… #5718
    Art Munson

    Art: Have you had any issues with recent Scripps placements showing up on your Tunesat that are licensed through them?

    I do have placements on Design Star also. It’s too bad that this is happening but JP does get a lot of other placements, that do pay, so I guess we have to live with it.

    The problem seems to be that some of the production companies produce shows for Scripps as well as PRO paying networks and the libraries feel they have to take the good with the bad. This was relayed to me by Scorekeepers at one point. But, as someone mentioned here, Scoreepers keeps track of Scripp shows and pay the composers. I got a check at the end of last year for those placements. You won’t get rich on it but it’s at least something.

    in reply to: Exclusive agreements when tracks on AS #5706
    Art Munson

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