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  • in reply to: Any feedback is Appreciated! #31320

    Hi there, I really like this a lot!!

    Cyberg was spot on, and those were the first things I was thinking myself
    1) Lusher, and longer throws on your Reverb & Plates
    2) Widen Your Stereo Field

    ALSO. I would change the name of the composition. Don’t limit yourself. I would call it “A Fading Fragrance”.


    Hi there Walden, I think the biggest question is:
    Is the Library/Catalog big enough, or famous enough to propel your career by signing music to them?

    Sometimes, we have to let go of a few things to accomplish a “Bigger Picture”. Songs/Music come all the time, so it’s not necessarily a loss if “It is a strategic move towards a much more lucrative music career”.

    See what they are doing, marketshare, who writes/composes for them, and see if it is a move in the right direction for your career.

    in reply to: Changing Tempos for Edits? #31307

    I have found that if I make a version of the original session (Save as.. whatever the name.. Cut-down version) Grab The End/Tail, Grab the main portion, find my desired length, and slap them together.

    If the tail is too long, I shorten the effects on anything that is running long..

    it’s always on beat, and easy to find where the edits make the most sense to have a “as natural as possible sounding version”

    in reply to: An Observation after 5 years… #31296

    Maybe write two “Clocks” for every unmarketable, edgy, avante garde, weirdness

    I think for me, it was just understanding my products, and what is/was my “passion Play/Ego” and what is what general consumers wants.

    Most companies and consumers don’t want what You/I have deemed high technical merit, or something cutting edge. Most want “what they have been hearing on the radio, and what will sell the fastest”.

    Once again, it was just being able to finally see the difference between music beds/stock/source music, and real music.

    Have it all, and be able to do it all. After all, no-one sees our faces, so we can be whomever we want to be musically.

    in reply to: An Observation after 5 years… #31292

    Hi there Robo, they are “really easy to find”, and a simple Google Search will send you to a good number of them. (Not a good idea to show favoritism towards companies here on the Forum, and just give general information)

    The main reason that I asked the question was.. “As soon as I figured out that there IS a major difference; and how to know the difference(s) in my own work. It made it MUCH clearer to me why certain things were getting placed with Libraries, and certain things were not”.

    The BIG thing that tipped me off was getting emails, and correspondence from production library owners, presidents, and key people that told me they loved my work; but wouldn’t know how to fit it in to their existing libraries..

    The pieces that I “Loved” it ended up were much too complex, and in some cases too “eclectic” for general use. so I did 2 things

    1) Came up with much simpler pieces, re-submitted to the libraries that were interested, and got deals with them.

    2) Did my research and found companies that primarily do branding, and submitted my “Instrumentals & Songs”.

    in reply to: An Observation after 5 years… #31289

    Hi there Chuck, I have a question for you, and quite possibly several people that are doing “more complexed, and interesting Music Tracks”.

    When you listen to your Compositions, do they sound like “Music Beds, or do they sound more like Instrumentals & Songs”?

    The reason is, I have learned something that “has put quite a few extra digits/numbers in my money making dividend”.

    If you are writing “Music Beds” go for Production Music Libraries. If you are writing “more complexed and interesting music that seems more like an Instrumental” (that more than likely would interfere/distract, or not lend to dialog being on top of it) You need to go towards companies that do advertising, branding, and marketing.

    There are now several of these companies out there, that are avidly looking for “High Quality Music that they don’t have to license thru record labels and big music houses”. Trust me, the checks are CRAZY!!

    in reply to: hello everyone! #31211

    Hi there Max!

    in reply to: How's it going, from Massachusetts #31081

    Welcome to the gang!

    Compositions sound good. “Waves of Blue and Gold” really good!! (Dig the Bittersweet, and Intertwining of Joy with a touch of jealousy/ill will perhaps?)

    Wishing you all the best on your musical journey!!

    in reply to: Mother Earth #31067

    Thanks for sharing, it has a cool vibe. Reminds a bit of “Enya”

    I do have a question for you though. No offense, but those “triplet snare fills” don’t break up the flow of the groove to you?

    in reply to: Using samples in library music #31015

    I also Melodyne a lot of stuff to change pitch, rhythm and character.

    Exactly! Take it, and make it Your OWN!! I use Battery’s Granular Conversion. I can make a sample any key, and any tempo I want.

    The real deal is this, We all know when we’re cheating.

    Famous quote: You can Shear a Sheep a thousand and one times; but you can only skin it once!”

    in reply to: Using samples in library music #31013

    No. Vocals can be “Flipped, and it’s ALL in how YOU interpret the key, chords, and melody that go around it!” As well drum loops are fair game because they “usually” don’t contain a dominant melody.

    in reply to: Using samples in library music #31008

    Just a quick little FYI about a conversation I had recently about this very same topic with a “Top 5/Top Tier Library”. Some of the regular longtime composers were turning in cues that had royalty-free samples as the “Main Meat/Main Portion” of the tracks. The same loops were found by different composers in some of their competing libraries. The Guy told me, not ONLY is the company pxxxxd, those people are no longer able to contribute new cues to these libraries.

    A lazy, and a slouchy work ethic literally does not pay..

    in reply to: library recommendation for Hip Hop instrumental tracks? #30966

    I’ll chime in. All of the major players are doing anything/everything that is popular. The key things will be is it to their standard; and is it what they are in the process of producing an album of, or slated to produce soon. I recently sent a message to a Library owner, asked if I may send some work, sent a playlist, and he responded within 24hours..

    Read the reviews of the Libraries. Take your time, and go through them ALL.

    I swear I owe several people here dinner and drinks for their spot-on candor!!

    in reply to: library recommendation for Hip Hop instrumental tracks? #30929

    Art. Please remove my above comment.

    in reply to: library recommendation for Hip Hop instrumental tracks? #30924

    There are new companies, and business models. It’s going to take a lot of research on your end. There’s no simple answer to “which is best for” questions.

    If you want to do this “correctly, you are gonna have to put in the time, and do the research. I too left the business some years back; and had a deals with several “non productive and down-right crooked libraries”.

    It takes a LOT of research, otherwise you will simply get dis-enchanted with the business again.

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