I have film/tv contacts, now what?

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    I’m looking for some advice on getting my library into some good hands, what better place than here?

    I used to work in film/tv postproduction in NYC, and made a ton of contacts with people who are now picture, sound and music editors. I’m in regular contact with a few, and the rest seem to remember me as they have ok’d being connected with me on LinkedIn!

    As I build my library, I want to start approaching my old contacts and ask them what music (source, not score) they need and if they would consider my music.

    I started with one music editor who I was friendly with, and we’ve talked a few times, but I realized that I was now no longer a fellow editor, but someone who would be ‘bothering’ her every now and then, and that makes me uncomfortable … being a persistent salesman was never my strength, and I’m wondering if anyone has any advice on how to follow this path. I realize that she also has something to gain from this by having my music that most other editors may not have.

    Sending music to libraries run by people I don’t know is one thing, but having my music be accessible to the pros is an advantage I should not let go. I want to make the most out of it without the idea that contacting them will be awkward and something I will loathe doing regularly.

    Any advice from anyone in a similar position is appreciated.



    Sending music to libraries run by people I don’t know is one thing, but having my music be accessible to the pros is an advantage I should not let go. I want to make the most out of it without the idea that contacting them will be awkward and something I will loathe doing regularly.

    Contacting professionals doesn’t have to be awkward. I do it from time to time.

    You have a great opportunity by already having relationships with some professionals. Don’t be scared to contact these people. The worst they can say is nothing. The second worst thing they can say is no.

    I can definitely help you out. Shoot me a PM. We can talk more.




    I once used good contacts too early in my career, when i was not and my work was not up to the standard. Dont make the same mistake, first make sure you are at the level or wait till that happens and keep networking in the mean time.. Also do research to make sure that you are giving them what they need. Contacts will give you a leg up but no professional would compromise their work to please a friend.


    Good advice, thanks.

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