The Act of Submitting Tracks?

Home Forums Newbie Questions The Act of Submitting Tracks?

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  • #25563
    Art Munson

    Hey guys, great site.

    Some libraries don’t have a track submission link. Instead the just have a contact, like a phone number or email address.

    So how do you submit your tracks for review using email? One library mentioned about ‘streaming’ the tracks, which I’m not sure what was meant.

    help appreciated,

    Art Munson

    One library mentioned about ‘streaming’ the tracks

    A website, or a place like Soundcloud, where you could give them a link to hear your tracks.

    Art Munson

    thanx Art!


    Maybe if you’re about to upload them on Soundcloud you’d better add a watermark to your tracks so to protect them from piracy.
    Another option might be uploading them in “private mode” and send them the secret link.


    Or you can use a service like WeTransfer. I would guess most libraries don’t even open a mail with attachments from a unknown mail adress, if they should get through the spam filter.


    If there’s no obvious submission link,use their contact email and send them a short message (including a few credits,short bio) with a soundcloud link.
    I had several positive replies doing this.

    I wouldn’t like to send a downloadable link (WeTransfer etc) to someone that didn’t ask for it.


    yeah i second Kubed’s approach. but actually if there is a phone number dont be afriad to pick up the phone and call them. you’d be surprised how many libraries are delighted to hear from new composers and i think they kinda appreciate the ambition that you were willing to call them.

    Hindi Lyrics

    Soundcloud is the best to share or submit your track, thanks.

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