What's the best selling genre in your library at the moment?

Home Forums General Questions What's the best selling genre in your library at the moment?

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  • #21752

    Howdy MLR,

    Thought it’d be interesting for people to share their best selling track in their catalog. Whether that be a acoustic country guitar peice or a cinematic orchestral underscore to a EDM Dance Instrumental. What genre does your best selling track fall under? Figured this would get some colorful responses.


    Haha the title should have read ‘in your catalog’ but in your library will have to suffice I suppose.


    Despite my undying optimism, I have nothing selling in 2015. I have left my prices where they were and fear that most others are selling music dirt cheap. It kills me to participate in the race to the bottom. And gear/vst lust, it plagues me nowadays…..yeah, pretty dark post. Colorful, As requested.


    It kills me to participate in the race to the bottom.

    Don’t do it. There is no real money in selling dirt cheap.


    I don’t plan on doing it. The music I write is top shelf and the production is high quality. I spent too much time on those skills to just throw a track away for $7. Surprised to see some really good writers doing just that.


    I don’t plan on doing it. The music I write is top shelf and the production is high quality. I spent too much time on those skills to just throw a track away for $7. Surprised to see some really good writers doing just that.

    Some writers just get desperate. A small sale becomes a sign of hope. But going for that sign of hope is an illusion. Someone else gets a great piece of music for cheap and the composer gets a few dollars that will not help to build a career or create any further momentum. The bad thing is the more desperate a writer is, the less money he/she will make.

    Chuck Mott

    It doesn’t seem to matter with me. I write in a bunch of genres, it really depends on the quality of the track. What doesn’t do well is experimenting in genres I’m not real familiar with, there are too many people doing various genres well for me to compete.


    Seems my dumb stuff sells best. YANKEE DOODLE for example.

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