Sub-versions and your PRO

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    Hi folks.

    I’m getting ready to upload a bunch of sub-versions of tracks that I already have in a non-exclusive/re-title library and something just occurred to me.

    Do any of you register the titles of your sub-versions as alternate titles with your PRO?

    For example, let’s say I have a track called “Have a Nice Day” and I want to upload two sub-versions called “Have a Nice Day (no guitar)” and “Have a Nice Day (no dulcimer)”.

    After uploading to the library should I log into my PRO, find the registration for “Have a Nice Day” and enter “Have…(no guitar)” and “Have…(no dulcimer)” as alternate titles?

    This never occurred to me before and I didn’t come up with anything by search. I haven’t been to vigilant about getting sub-versions together until now — after three years! I apologize if this has been discussed already.


    Art Munson

    Yes, you should register all versions.


    Thanks Art, as always!


    Hi Scary Bodega,
    I add the sub-versions as alternate title from the original instead of having the sub-version registered separately. Not sure which PRO you’re with, but it’s easy to do on ASCAP.

    Art Munson

    I add the sub-versions as alternate title from the original instead of having the sub-version registered separately.

    But it’s not really the same piece with an alternate title. I know that many of the libraries list them separately.


    Hi Art,
    I’m not sure if I was clear. I have Title A and register it as Title A. If I happen to take that same track and cut it down to a 30 second version, I would go back to the original Title A and add Title A-30s as an alternate title. None of the instrumentation is different, it’s just a shorter version of the same track. Even when you do an ACE search using the alternate title “Title A-30s”, it comes up.

    Art Munson

    Oh, I see. Thanks for the clarification.


    Interesting topic… Question i was asking myself too. Unfortunately I haven´t understood a straight answer from the thread, so I will ask Scary Bodega´s question again:
    I plan to submitu track packs that woudl be composed of:
    1/ Full track
    2/ Full track instru only
    3/ Non loppable sections (15, 30 and 60s): For instance Verse + ending
    4/ Loopable sections of various sizes with no major instrumental changes
    5/ Groovable loops of various length: for example the chorus but just Drum and Bass without synths

    If I understand well 1/ 2/ 3/ and 4/ can be registered with an alternative name

    What about 5/ should it be a new registration?

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