Are there certain show genres more likely to ask for publishing?

Home Forums General Questions Are there certain show genres more likely to ask for publishing?

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    I’ve heard that reality shows are more likely to ask for publishing, as part of a ploy for libraries to subsequently ask for a chunk of the writer’s share. Is this true? Are there other genres as well? OR is this one big ploy? The truth is, if both nets and the show producers are getting greedy on the publishing end, lib’s do have to make money. Still, I know the pushback from composers…I’m pushing back myself! Just want to know what others may have heard.


    Yes, I’ve seen an increase in production shows asking the libraries for up to 50% of publishing. Some libraries depend on these clients and so they give in which results in asking you for part of your wrirer’s share. Other libraries, simply say no and move on.


    This has been going on for a decade or more. Nothing new.

    Yes, it is happening. Production companies have gone up above and beyond the 50% though. Sometimes they are asking for full (100%) publishing. I think it may only be a matter of time until that is more the rule than the exception.

    Art Munson

    This has been going on for a decade or more. Nothing new.

    Yep, What LAwriter said.


    “I think it may only be a matter of time until that is more the rule than the exception.”

    I disagree. I have not been asked ever to sacrifice 50% of my writers share. While the extortion does exist with some shady players in the business, I have to think the majority do not play the game this way. Aside from that, if the practice does gain more traction, then it’s time for us to invite the TV Network music directors into this forum so we can just submit cues directly to Viacom, Discovery, MTV, VH1, TLC, NBC, CBS, ABC, etc. etc. If networks morph into music publishing library’s, we simply need to supply them directly and cut out the middle man entirely. I just do not see this escalating and we probably should just stop talking about it. Just say no if you really are getting pressured to give up 50% writers share.


    Good idea Music 1234!


    Michele Vice-Maslin

    yes about the publishing and for those I retitle – yes I have been asked for pieces of the writers share and I suggest as I did RUN AWAY! DO NOT GIVE UP ANY PERCENTAGE OF YOUR WRITER’S SHARE. THE PRECEDENT WILL BE AND HAS BEEN CATASTROPHIC for music creators!!

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