BMI Royalty Statement – 2019Q3

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  • #34495
    Art Munson

    BMI royalty statement has arrived for 3rd quarter 2019. We were down a bit from last quarter but a couple of commercials kept it decent. Very thankful for that.

    How have you fared? Up, down, sideways?


    Art Munson

    Bumpy, bump.


    An old song from 2014 brought in about $350. And finally two exclusives from MIBE finally came through. One was an NFL game that brought in about $350 too.

    Also, the statement and payment came out yesterday, which was kind of strange…


    Very helpful and positive statement. In bizarre times like these, it just goes to show you how important these performance royalties are for all production music producers. Maybe Scripps, ESPN, BTN, ASCAP, BMI, SESAC and the libraries enabling the “blanket direct licensing” loop hole to some of these networks, will soon understand this and change their business practices so we can get paid when our music airs.

    NBA, NCAA, Golf, Olympics, MLB Baseball….these are huge sports entertainment and live broadcast revenue streams that will most likely disappear for us this year. These sporting events are very important to all of us participating, and they very well may not happen at all this year.

    We can all probably expect 2021 statements to drop substantially. So keep that in mind.


    A good one for me, almost identical to the previous one!

    One nice surprise was International Performance – Audio: usually it’s pennies or a few bucks tops. I had 4 tracks in Netherlands and 1 of them got me $302! The other 3 got me less than $5 combined. There’s not much info about these uses though.

    BMI’s email said 2020 statements won’t be affected but they’re expecting a drop for the early 2021 statements.It makes sense since all of the sports events are postponed until June (at least).
    Still, our next 2 statements won’t be affected so, i consider myself lucky comparing it to businesses that already facing financial issues because of the lockdown. These people weren’t prepared and they don’t know when it will end. At least we have the time to get prepared for next year’s blow, think, act and keep working on our music. Stay safe and calm!


    Everyone else I knew was down about 25% this statement. I was UP over last statement about 25%, but actually puts me just maybe a little higher – a few percentage points – above what I would consider normal because last quarter was poor for me.

    What was disconcerting is that there were several anomalies and I’m not sure if I even want to go after them. Streaming was down considerable, with pretty much the same “numbers” as last quarter in terms of plays. There were several “trending” and “suggested” viewing shows on Netflix that did not even show up on the statement, and I KNOW that they were getting significant views.

    International was definitely down this statement, but what made up for it was an abnormally high run on history channel. Not sure what is up with that, but when / if it corrects to what I would normally see, the payments are going to be down significantly, and it looks to me like all the myriads of cable channels that use to not pay big, but added together were substantial are down in the gutter.

    Glad I did decent this quarter, but upon analysis, it’s making the future look quite dim….. Time for a new career. (Again). This is not sustainable long term, and as mentioned, if next year goes lower due to Covid-19, it’s going to be chump change. Not enough to “live on”.

    Adding content for me does not seem to.offset the marching decline of payable rates. Even streaming is declining. At least it SEEMS to be, but hard to tell because trying to get any info out of BMI is like talking to a brick wall.


    Hey guys. As a UK composer I am with the PRS and we all must be on a different schedule. Here we get paid on the 15th of April, July, October and December. The December payment was presumably brought forward from January at some point in the past, in order for composers to provide for their familes at Christmas. It’s very nice to get paid then but it makes the four month wait for April feel very long!
    It’s interesting that you refer to the payment you just recieved as ‘for 3rd quarter 2019’. Does this mean you are mainly paid for usage which has occured during that three month period? The PRS is nowhere near as precise!


    @maxpower BMI has a similar 4-month gap. Payments are made on mid March, June, September and January. Yeap,that’s right: BMI doesn’t care if composers can provide for their families at Xmas, lol!

    You’re correct about the 2nd thing: 90-95% of the payment was from placements made during Q3 2019. There are a few delayed payments from Q2 2019 (or even Q1) but it’s just a tiny % really.
    International royalties is a different story but i have to say PRS usually pays faster than most of other territories.


    @Kubed – very interesting to know thanks. I wonder if there is a delay between the BMI paying the PRS (because it sounds like they are pretty on the ball with it) and the PRS paying me? I don’t think I’ve ever been paid for a U.S. placement any quicker than a year. Sometimes it’s been many years.
    Maybe this quarter it will be different.
    Just maybe… 🙂

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