Discovery placement still a mystery

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    I posted last quarter that I had a cue used in Discovery’s prime time show, Dual Survival. My BMI statement showed I got 200% of the royalties – publisher and writer. Some of you felt that perhaps some intern made a mistake and I would be docked the extra in the future.

    Well, this past statement, I had several more placements at the same 200% rate. So, I asked several libraries I’m with if they had placed the track and they all said no. And I’ve never had a sale of it on a RF site either.

    So how in the world did it get in the show??? Not complaining… payout was the highest on that statement!


    Dual is typically Discovery, Coney Island, and maybe Mibe I believe. That show uses a main writer…those other libraries fill in. Hope this helps.


    Hmm, I know it’s not MIBE, they rejected that track! Might be Coney Island but why haven’t they caught the mistake yet?


    No way to know for sure, but it sounds like an editor filled something in wrong. I would email CIM and give them the name of the cue and take it from there.


    Solved the mystery. It took about 10 months for someone to finally file the cue sheet correctly. GoldenEar was right, the placement was done by Coney Island Music. So I assume my next BMI statement will be about $146 less because of this. 🙁

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