Feedback highly appriciated!

Home Forums Critiques Feedback highly appriciated!

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by AmirH.
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  • #21691

    Hi guys!

    I’m very new to the library music scene and it’s fair to say I’m a complete rookie! That’s why I would love some constructive criticism on three songs I’ve written just to know where I stand and what I need to improve!

    Also, I’ve been reading about 15, 30, 60s cuts and alternative edits on this site but I’m not entirely sure how to go about that just yet. If possible, could you give me some pointers about this using one of my songs as an example (if these songs are fit for alternative edits at all)?

    Here are the tracks:


    Much obliged!

    Art Munson



    Hi Amir,

    welcome to the library scene. You may be a rookie but you have some good compositional skills and ideas. Although this is not my main genre., my observations are track 1 was the nicest simply because it was understated, it is a soft and slow track. In tracks 2 and 3 I felt the sound needed work, it is lacking in the low frequencies, need to feel the power of the daikos etc. The tracks need more melodic development and variations to keep the interest. You may want to think about having several climaxes instead of just 1. So work more on your mix, check the sound on different monitors and work on thematic development and keeping the interest. As far as timed edits, this gets better with practice. Pick the most important part of the track and work around that, I would start with 60 and 30 sec, as it would be very difficult to do a 15 on these tracks. I hope that helps, best of luck.


    Thanks, lots of great advice! 🙂

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