First attempt to trailer music

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    Umut ERHAN

    Hello guys! I just found about library music and this forum. Here is my first attempt at trailer music. It is also one of the first orchestral music I made. What do you think? Should I go on?

    <iframe width=”100%” height=”300″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”no” allow=”autoplay” src=””></iframe&gt;

    Umut ERHAN

    oops. Here is the link. I don’t know how to embed it:


    It’s Really Good!!

    No offense to anyone.! just wish Production Music wasn’t so “Formulaic”. Would be nice to see some “Great Fusions of Music that would shake up this Dead Industry”.

    Anybody that listens to, has an affinity towards, or was a part of music from the 60’s & 70’s knows exactly what I mean.

    Kery Michael

    Overall, I really liked it and that build up at about 1:45 is done well. But what @Mark_Petrie was saying, it’s so hard to get that full, lush sound of pro trailer music. Though people often slam trailer music as predictable and boring, but when it’s done right it can really hit you.

    As an example, I’ve been listening to Thomas Newman’s “The Night Window” from the 1917 soundtrack. Though I don’t think it’s exactly trailer music but I have no idea how to get that full, lush, polished sound!


    @Ermut Erhan- Really impressive. It hardly sounds like a “first attempt” . You have some seriously good chops.

    @Kery Michael- That “full, lush polished sound” is based on Richard Wagner style of composition and orchestration. It’s amazing that a 19th century composer would have such an effect on modern day film music. This article may interest you:

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