Giving Away Writers Share

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  • #35721

    Please don’t mention specific library names here on the forum.
    I wanted to post something general so that everyone can read, whether a paying member or not.
    Please, please, please NEVER sign a music library deal whereby you give up writer’s share. Libraries have given in to sharing publisher’s share with production companies and are now trying to make it up by taking some of our writer’s share. As you know, there is a lot of discussion right now about one particular library (no names here!) promising the world in exchange for splitting writer’s share.
    When you give up writer’s share to any library, it just spreads like wildfire. You planted the seeds of everyone’s destruction. Please don’t let any library owner charm you into this, saying it is “limited” in some way, etc.

    Thank you.


    Couldn’t agree more!


    I’m with you 100% ! Music creators are often their own enemy. I’m sure these companies will suck in many – and that’s sad.

    Art Munson

    Absolutely Advice, great advice! I fell for this years ago with the same promise and guess what? Almost nothing came out of it. Fortunately they were all re-titles and non-exclusive so I still retained the music.


    Totally agreed! Also check if publishing rights are Worldwide or territorially restricted and time-limited.


    Giving away writers share is akin to giving away your spouse or baby. I’m 11 years into the game of writing for libraries and selling on stock music sites and I can state in a way that leaves no doubt that lowering prices and sacrificing ownership interest in your music assets, always leads to LESS EARNINGS, for a writer.

    I tried many experiments lowering prices to attract higher volume of sales. It does not work! Raising prices or keeping them at a certain level of self respect has actually paid dividends for me. TV show editors are your best friends. These guys get to know us and they are taking notes on composers tracks. If they like the genres you write in, they will come back to your music.

    Thank you advice for finally just starting a public thread here and stating the stone cold fact about giving away writers share for the promise of extra attention pitching your cues. Aside from being a corrupt bribery/ kick back/ extortion business practice that should be relentlessly reported to the PMA, PRO’s, TV network execs, and even congressional lawmakers, It’s total B.S. …this deal will not make you more money!

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