Help please with this doubt in my contract about digital distribution.

Home Forums General Questions Help please with this doubt in my contract about digital distribution.

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    Hello Folks: I want to release in CD Baby an album with some of my tracks that are signed exclusively to a library,
    Im confused if I can do it, and what kind of legal restrictions i may have. The clauses on my contract says:

    COMPOSER hereby assigns exclusive control of the COMPOSITIONS to __ and designates __ as original publisher and exclusive digital distribution rights administrator of the COMPOSITIONS.

    COMPOSER retains the right to sell COMPOSITIONS directly to consumers via on-line retailers provided that such retailers or their affiliates are not in the business of licensing music to media including but not limited to film, television, advertising, and internet, or otherwise engaged in the Production Music Library industry.

    Can somebody give me please some light about this situation?
    If I can release my album in platforms like CD Baby, what kind of opt in options should I decline?
    Thank you very much for your help.

    Art Munson

    If I can release my album in platforms like CD Baby, what kind of opt in options should I decline?

    It seems obvious to me as their contract is clear. You can not let any entity, outside of the exclusive library you are signed to, offer to license your music. If unclear what those options are with CD Baby I would contact them directly.


    Thank you Art. I´ll se what CD Baby says.


    It sounds like the library would be fine with you selling / streaming the music through CDBaby, and Apple / Spotify etc… as long as you didn’t opt into their licensing options and other b2b business opportunities.

    It’s nice (and rare) that a library would let you do this.


    Thanks Mark_Petrie, I hope that is the case.

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