How Much Does Unscripted Pay For Sync Fees?

Home Forums General Questions How Much Does Unscripted Pay For Sync Fees?

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    I’ve been writing a lot of songs for Library music for the last few years (full songs w vocals) and am curious how much the shows / networks are paying whenever they license one of these songs? Right now I get paid up front per song plus my writers share of royalties, but i’ve been wondering what kind of payments the company I write for is getting whenever the songs are used.

    The vast majority of my placements are unscripted so thats really what I’m wondering as far as what types of shows for budget..

    Art Munson

    That’s a very broad question and depends on the network and library. Some libraries only rely on the the back end publishing income, some may charge a blanket license fee for use of all or part of their catalog. A major network might pay but the trend has been for libraries to rely on back end royalties. Of course YMMV. 😉


    Yes to Art. Especially in the unscripted world, the up front sync fees have dwindled to the point of $0.00 with the show producer wanting a piece (or all) of the publishing as well. if you’re still getting sync’s for these types of shows – ANY syncs – I’d say you’re ahead of the game. This side of the biz is in decline.


    LAwriter, would you say the zero up front fees are different from netflix/streaming only shows? Since the royalties on those are pretty much non existent?


    No. Same from my experience. Once the dog learns the trick, it’s hard to make them give it up.


    I am looking for opportunities to sync License my music!

    Low Notes, Inc

    I was warned that my Disney+ show would generate very little in royalties. I was shocker when I actually saw how little, on my ASCAP statement! Had I believed my colleagues, I would have negotiated my contract differently.

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