Identifyy alts & edits Q

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    Do you folks upload alts and edits (narrative, 30sec etc) to identifyy? if not have you noticed if they catch the alts & edits also? thanks

    Scott Ross

    I was told it wasn’t necessary.

    Art Munson

    I would if I were you. I do and it picks up the alt mixes and up to the 30 sec. They don’t take anything shorter than 30s.



    I have seen a number of sync briefs that specifically prohibit using music that is in the You Tube Content ID program. Is music submitted through the Identifyy site subject to restrictions as to who can use it, license it, etc? What do you know about this?


    Art Munson

    @BobBallard. I would imagine those libraries want to collect any royalties for themselves. I would not put that music in Identifyy. This is my opinion and I’m willing to be proven wrong. 🙂


    I don’t know if I can “prove” anything Art, but I would like to find out more about why some productions want nothing to do with YT content ID music. I think the issue is the potential for “take downs” by YT. If a production uses music that is enrolled in the YT Content ID Program, and the production ends up on YT or FB, there could be problems. Even if the production is not shown on YT or FB but has an exclusive license to use the music, that could be a problem too. The general feeling I get from the licensing community is that they don’t want to deal with Content ID music, period.

    Libraries and publishers can still collect royalties according to the Identifyy FAQ, but not sync licensing fees. As they explain in the FAQ, Identifyy deals with the master recording side, not the writers/publishers side.

    That’s about all I have been able to figure out. Hopefully someone with more knowledge and experience with the YT Content ID and sync licensing will chime in here.

    Art Munson

    @BobBallard. It’s not really a problem. Identifyy just quietly collects the royalties and does not, usually, issue takedowns unless requested. We have hundreds of videos detected and never had an issue with a client copyright strike. That was more of a problem a few years ago. All of our music is non-exclusive.

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