Joining more than one PRO

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    I’m with PRS and I regret not joining BMI or ASCAP instead, particularly because all of my placements have been on US and Canadian shows and it takes much longer to get overseas royalties. I find it very demotivating to still be waiting for money from a show first broadcast nearly 3 years ago.

    I’ve read other forums where composers have said that they’ve joined two or more PROs to speed up the process of receiving overseas royalties. I contacted BMI and they said I could ask PRS to release me from the US and Canada territories, and then I could join BMI so they can collect for me in these territories.

    Is this something that I should consider doing, or would it make things too complicated?

    Art Munson

    I’m with BMI and just had a UK library suggest I also join PRS so they can do the same thing….

    NY Composer

    I’m with BMI and wondering if I could switch to ASCAP.

    Aside from not providing que sheets, BMI has been a headache with keeping track of placements and problems with tracking placements down.


    I’m from Italy, with the unique PRO called SIAE.
    Since many of my tracks are with US agencies, I joined BMI about 2 years ago.
    Not too complicated, as you told, I asked SIAE a territories release for U.S./ Canada. Then I proceeded to BMI registration.
    So now BMI manage my royalties for these markets.
    From my point of view I had 2 great benefits:
    – higher frequency in payments: BMI pays every quarter, SIAE only every 6 months.
    – now I see all the cue sheets , not with SIAE.
    Probably with PRS you have already these kind of stuff..
    SIAE is not a very well managed company, it has always been in a monopoly regime and in fact now in Italy there is a company called Soundreef that tries to compete with it, thanks to recent European laws.

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