Looking for feedback for new track

Home Forums Critiques Looking for feedback for new track

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  • #30783
    Judson Hurd

    Hey everyone. First off, I am so thankful to have joined and have learned so much reading these forums. I have been composing for awhile but have started branching out composing for film and media projects. My newest track is “Trouble Will Cause” which is part of a soundtrack I did for a true crime documentary. The style is minimal with light upright piano, ambient pad, and strings. I would love some constructive feedback (mixing, melody, dynamics, etc…). I’m always trying to learn more and get better. Thanks in advance! The link is below.


    Hi Jason…

    While composing instrumentals is not what I do, I will say that I found the piece very moving, tender and inspiring! Thanks for sharing and congratulations!!


    Yes,quite a moving track and very nice melody.
    I kept wondering if you were going to introduce a piano melody in the high octaves at some point and,yeap! There it is at 2:56! Beautifully done 🙂
    I’m not an expert at minimal piano composing but it feels like you did a great job.

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