Metadata is the biggest little problem plaguing the music industry.

Home Forums News Metadata is the biggest little problem plaguing the music industry.

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  • #32331
    Art Munson
    Art Munson



    Definitely a good read…..long but informative…thanks Art


    Yes very informative and it seems like what I take away most is this: It’s better when one person is EVERYTHING: writer, publisher, mixer, label, artist, featured artist, master owner, copyright owner, and so on. Google/ youtube are just getting away with murder IMHO. YOUTUBE (Google) should be paying all the PRO’s $1 Billion each so we can truly be paid fairly from the PROs when our music streams on line. I’m tired of seeing pennies earned from streaming and internet especially in an era where people consume visual media content on youtube as much if not more than cable tv.


    YOUTUBE (Google) should be paying all the PRO’s $1 Billion each so we can truly be paid fairly from the PROs when our music streams on line.

    That’s a big assumption that the PRO’s would distribute fairly…. I can only imagine what BMI would do with a billion.

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