Music Publisher Not Registering My Work With BMI as Promised, Will I Get Paid?

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    Hi all,

    My Tunesat picked up some uses of a song I have signed with an exclusive publisher (hint it’s one on the top 10 list).

    I signed an exclusive deal with no upfront money hoping that her connections would get my tracks played a lot so I can collect backend.

    Well after submitting dozens of tracks and checking my BMI months later, the majority of these tracks haven’t been registered with BMI.

    I’m worried that all these back end placements I’m getting won’t be paid because my publisher didn’t register them with my PRO.

    Will I still get paid if they are not registered with BMI?

    Seriously regretting giving my music away.

    Any insight would be helpful.Thank


    Maybe they (your publisher) are just behind (let’s hope), or perhaps they renamed the track(s) because they had tracks in the library already with the same name (common) — but theoretically — you should still be able to collect if BMI received a cue sheet from the production company that used it.

    Art Munson

    Will I still get paid if they are not registered with BMI?

    Most likely. Many times these are picked up off of the cue sheet submitted to BMI. Happened to us many times. Also many libraries don’t bother to register unless a track gets in a show. It’s the wild west when it comes to cue sheets and writers getting paid properly!


    Thanks LAWriter. I’ve appreciated your insight on this forum. Any experience collecting royalties from South American countries?


    Thanks Art! It certainly feels like the Wild West! And since my songs were placed on a Telemundo show it’s really gonna be interesting to see if I can collect on South American royalties! I appreciate it!


    No problem – hope you get paid!! I have no direct experience with South American countries. BMI handles that for me, and it’s about as transparent as a brick wall. LOL I have no idea how it gets to BMI (well, I do have a general idea, but no specifics).

    Art Munson

    Well don’t hold your breath on Telemundo. My experience with them has not been good. No pay or pennies.


    I get a lot of backend royalties from Telemundo thru BMI, but it’s not much money in comparison to US cable shows. You have to get a lot of airplay before see some decent payouts.


    As others said, just be patient. Many publishers don’t register tracks until they are used or even a few months after. Remember, PRO payment domestically is typically 6-9 months after broadcast. And the PRO’s look back 6 months after that.


    Bummer about not getting much. I figured since it was a TV channel that’s not on paid cable, the payout would be better.

    Thanks for all your advice everyone. I can breathe a lil easier.

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