Non-exclusive tracks but exclusive publishing and master rights?

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    I’m pretty fresh to the library music game and finishing my first album for delivery to a new library. In the agreement it states that all the tracks I’m to submit will be non-exclusive, but that the publishing and master rights are assigned to the library exclusive for the life of copyright.

    Like I said I have limited experience here so I’m wondering if this is just another way of saying the tracks are exclusive to this library, or if there’s something more nuanced at play I’m not aware of?

    many thanks,

    Art Munson

    it states that all the tracks I’m to submit will be non-exclusive, but that the publishing and master rights are assigned to the library exclusive for the life of copyright.

    Doesn’t sound much like non-exclusive to me. They may mean that anything they place stays with the life of the project, which would be fairly normal. You need a lawyer to look at the exact wording and it’s implications.


    WOW!! They’re “Trying” anything & EVERYTHING right now, aren’t they?!

    I’d PASS, probably be offended..


    I’m pretty fresh to the library music game and finishing my first album for delivery to a new library. In the agreement it states that all the tracks I’m to submit will be non-exclusive, but that the publishing and master rights are assigned to the library exclusive for the life of copyright.

    Sounds like they are confused to me. Anything that (apparently) conflicting in a contract should be dealt with before signing. Or at the very least, clarified, Personally, if it was that confused, I’d probably look elsewhere. If they can’t deal with their own contracts, how good are they going to be at placing your music.

    I could be wrong though…..


    I could be wrong though…..

    Just Your Spider Senses kicking in.

    I would. MUCH rather be wrong about not signing!!


    Could be a boilerplate agreement that they neglected to tweak properly.
    Or, and this is something I’ve seen before – they are non-ex, but they want to own the RETITLED name they’re going to use. It’s a bit dumb to ask for the master rights, as that implies a master recording that they’ll own.
    It goes without saying – ask them for clarification. And if possible, report back to us what they say!

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