Reversion Clause Advice

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    I have tracks starting its 3rd yr in an excl lib with a 3yr reversion clause that has’nt seen any placements. If it hasnt seen any movement after the 3rd year would you pull it out and try a different lib, or leave it in and hope yr 3-6 would fair better? would be helpful to hear experiences on either path and how it worked out for you…thanks

    Art Munson

    Three years would be enough for me.


    I have tracks starting its 3rd yr in an excl lib with a 3yr reversion clause that has’nt seen any placements. If it hasnt seen any movement after the 3rd year would you pull it out and try a different lib, or leave it in and hope yr 3-6 would fair better? would be helpful to hear experiences on either path and how it worked out for you…thanks

    No Movement in 3 years? Time to “pull’em”. You wait till the 6 year mark, and depending on the genre they might be too old to do anything..


    thanks for your input art & BS,got a full year to contemplate on this. hopefully some might get placed by then…


    Tough question. Sometimes tracks sit for years then get lots of placements. Sometimes tracks sit for years and get no placements. If you signed 100 tracks and none were placed you should probably move on. If you signed 5, it’s hard to say. Also, given royalty lag time, you could have year 2 placements that haven’t appeared on your royalty statement yet.

    I’d definitely pull them after 6 years though!

    Hope you get lots of placements right away and your decision gets easy.


    Tough question. Sometimes tracks sit for years then get lots of placements. Sometimes tracks sit for years and get no placements. If you signed 100 tracks and none were placed you should probably move on. If you signed 5, it’s hard to say. Also, given royalty lag time, you could have year 2 placements that haven’t appeared on your royalty statement yet.

    Hopefully, no offense is taken by this, because there is none intended.
    Understanding the “Climate” of this business has changed “DRASTICALLY”. About 10 years ago, that would have been the way to think. But now with everything running at break-neck speed. It is “Highly Unlikely” that something sitting in a library more than 3 years will see any action..

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