Submitting WFH Cues after being accepted by a library

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    Hi all! For those who work with WFH libraries, I was wondering what your process is for submission. I have a library that likes my demos, and sent a contract. Do you send an mp3 of cues you’d like to send them, so they can decide whether or not the want them? Upload to Soundcloud so they can hear them without keeping them? Don’t know what standard procedure is, and also want to cover my back. Thanks!


    Hi OverDub,

    I’ve done WFH for 35 years. It’s always been to a brief. In other words, they tell me what they want and/or need.

    Have you asked the library what they want?

    Congrats and Best of luck,



    Thanks Michael. They told me what they were looking for, and chose a few I had online. Do the libraries you work with take everything you send, in repsonse to the briefs? Do you send stems and all, before they decide? Been doing TV music for a few years, this is my first WFH deal. Nothing feels fishy, just wondering what the norm was. Thanks!


    Hi OverDub.

    I’ve never had a cue flat out rejected. Once, or twice I’ve been asked to make minor revisions. If by stems, you mean edits, except for the very first “album”…(yes vinyl), I’ve always delivered full, 60, 30, 15 and bed /alternative mixes.

    I’ve never delivered unmixed tracks.

    They’ll tell you what they want, and how they want it. If they don’t, I’d wonder a little bit.



    Great. Thanks for the info!


    When I signed with 2 or 3 libraries they asked for everything I had. Then they went through them and decided what to keep. I’m also now doing some custom composing by their request. Wish I got paid up front for this but am hoping it leads to use/income. Keep me fresh and creative too!

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