Sync Payment Timeline

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  • #11370
    The Dude

    I got a couple placements on The CW last Oct/Nov, and one on Showtime in February, and I still haven’t been paid sync fees. The library that placed them is reputable, and I have received payment from them on other placements. I’ve never encountered this before in regards to sync fees (back-end is a whole other can of corn). Has anyone had this experience before? Seems like an unusually long time to wait for upfront fees.

    Art Munson

    What does the library say?

    The Dude

    I was told CBS (Owners of The CW) take the longest to pay a few months ago, that’s why I wanted to wait to contact the library again about it. Thought maybe I’d fish for some other opinions first.


    I had a placement on the CW, it took about 9 months to get the sync fee. I was told the same thing from the library that placed it, they take the longest to pay the syncs.

    It was placed in Sept. and I got the sync in June.

    The Dude

    Thanks, euca. I guess I’m on par with that, maybe I’ll give it a few more weeks.

    Happy Ears

    Yes another big network regularly takes 9-11 months to pay synch fees due to the library. They are are so consistent in doing this that I almost think it’s part of their business plan. Imagine all the money in interest they musts accumulate on delaying millions of dollars in vendor payments every year. Also if the library was gonna rip you off they would probably not let you know you had a placement in the first place. Also keep in mind if you are generating placements for the library it’s in their own interest to keep you happy.

    The Dude

    I wasn’t doubting the library. They’ve been very good to me, and they are a respected name. It wouldn’t be good for business if they started being shady about payment. I was just wondering if something slipped through the cracks. Mistakes happen. But it sounds like these networks just take forever. I’ve heard it can be like pulling teeth to get money out of major labels and networks sometimes, just never had that experience. I’ve recorded degenerate punk bands that paid faster than this. Oh well. Licensing is always a long game.

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