Tony Anderson Pads….

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    Any Insight into how he is getting these huge luscious pad sounds/ huge reverbs….making them sound lush and not washed out…just beautiful stuff. Here’s one example …

    Michael Nickolas

    I don’t know exactly, but one tip is that stock synth presets can be big sounding; the maker of the synth wants them to sound full and rich. If you layer a bunch of these together they are going to sound washed out and be fighting for the same space. When layering stock presets consider converting each synths audio track to mono for one, then use careful eqing and panning of each of your layers. Carve out notches using subtractive eq so they are not fighting for the same space.


    It sounds like a well mixed combination of nice pads, and cool reverb effects from something like Valhalla Shimmer.

    Isn’t this guy great?! I’m a big fan.


    He is awesome….having soundtoys, just in general, I think I hear him making use of crystallizer and other plugs as well. Yes he is the kind of composer where even when you think you getting the hang of his style. you listen to the next track, and you’re awestruck all over again. I guess Mark might be just the guy to ask, but it seems like string pads from real orchestral libraries, as opposed to ay, Omnisphere (which I own and pads is this one of synth’s strong suits).


    Maybe Granular Synthesis can help you out 😉

    Per Boysen

    There is also a lot of ducking/side-chaining of reverb returns going on in this track (triggered by the kick drum and with a slow release time. Maybe also specific frequency bands ducked by the kick -EQ splitter fix).

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