You never know what´s gonna sell….

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    Funny story here…

    A couple of days ago I went through an old hard drive and found a track that had been thrown away. For obvious reasons I will say… hehe… kind of unfinished and pretty poor quality in my opinion. Anyway I decided to give it a shot on one of the RF sites. So I submitted and even left a comment for the reviewer that I wouldn`t be surprised if it was rejected.

    Guess what: The track was approved last night, and has already sold…. twice 😉


    I’ve actually have things like that happen too!  I have some tracks that I am not particularly fond of.  I mean they are usable but just not my favorite work I’ve done creatively.  Then go figure – sometimes they sell – multiple times.  I “think” the key is to keep striving for the best quality of work we can put forward – always.   But to be careful what you decide throw away.


    I just got my PRO statement, the best earner was a track about 3 years old, ambient type thing. Totally forgettable for me , so much so I had to dig it out to remind myself what it sounded like ! You never know.


    So funny! This has happened to me many times too! My biggest selling tracks are actually the same ones I feel are my weakest pieces. When they actually sold for nice buyouts, I was so happy that I did submit them for usage. Also, had several tracks that I felt were unplaceable being placed in the most unexpected broadcast shows in the most unexpected scenarios but they actually worked so well to the visual. I just love the unpredictability of this “job”. Lots of happy surprises! 🙂



    Yeah, this was an ambient type of thing too. Basically just a drumloop with some piano and cheap strings over it. Originally written as an idea for a corporate video some years ago, but the agency went with another idea so this track was just left unfinished.

    Nothing that will make me a fortune here and I`m pretty sure it will never reach broadcast because of the production quality. But it was a bit funny that something I expected rejected, actually sold twice within the first 24 hours.

    You never know…. 😉


    You guys are motivating me to go through the “reject” folder on my catalog drive. 😉



    Hey guys it’s so nice hearing about all of your experiences, I live in South Africa and there aren’t any platforms for composers to showcase their work or sell them even, I’m a composer and have friends who who make beautiful music aswell.

    Can you please share more light on the registration process cause I am very interested in and my friends will be too, as you all know employment is a problem nowadays and it would be a life saver for us to be able to earn something.

    Happy composing guys and all the best in your careers.



    Hey Kenny, What site was that that sold it….yes to all of us….it is absolutely worth it to submit tracks we think will do nothing in library land….you just never know. I have gone through old drives old DATS, Old Discs….you just never know….


    Hi Glen.
    I won’t name the site here as that belongs in the library listings. But it was one of the big well known RF sites.

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