Youtube Royalties?

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    One of my songs ended up on a youtube video, that has gone viral and gets tons of views each day.
    How do I collect royalties for this? Is there a way for me to get compensated without taking part in any content ID thing? I dont want to get into conflict with any libraries I’m with.
    Do I just inform BMI about this somehow?

    Any help is much appreciated!!

    Art Munson

    FYI. For those of you who are not up to speed on the YouTube Content ID system please read


    Art, just checking if you can add me to this thread since for some reason I’m not getting any emails re AudioSparx or other threads that I like to follow. Thanks!


    Art Munson

    Art, just checking if you can add me to this thread since for some reason I’m not getting any emails re AudioSparx or other threads that I like to follow.Thanks!


    Hi Barbie,

    Sorry for the problem.

    I’ve checked everything on this end an all seems to be working. I’m not hearing any other complaints of others not receiving follow-up e-mails from the forum or comment subscriptions.

    Please check with Audiosparx’s ISP and see if MLR is being blocked for some reason (that can happen if someone decides to file a complaint at the DNS level). There may be other security implementations on AS’s end that are blocking the e-mails.

    If anyone else is having problems please let me know as this may be an ongoing problem that I should know about.




    I sent BMI an email about this, no answer yet. Not sure if they will ever reply 😉

    Steve B.

    Ulla, sometimes it takes a few days to get a response from a PRO. In this case it may be that BMI themselves may not even know the answer to that question because of the Youtube licensing being relatively new. I\’m not positive but as far as you getting paid, it may depend on your taking part in the content ID.

    It seems to me that the Youtube licensing venture is a slippery slope to climb. Currently I am not involved in it, but am watching it.

    One problem currently is that there is no audit clause in their contract, which means that no one can account for their payments and whether or not they are correct in how much was paid to the artist or band. Google or Youtube will not allow it. Not only that but someone calculated that it would take 1 million views in order to get $2,000 in payment.

    Just know what your getting in to.


    Hello Steve, thanks a lot for your info! I meant to reply earlier, but I wanted to see if I hear back from BMI first (which I haven’t yet).
    This video actually might go up to a million over time, but after doing a bit more research I see what you mean by slippery road.
    I guess I just gonna take the free promo 😉


    Up to almost half a million views by now 😉 Still no reply from BMI tho…

    Rec Head

    So basically no one knows the answer to Ulla’s original question? I sure don’t either.

    I’ve got way into the millions of total views for my tracks in use on youtube and I have no idea whatsoever how to get any royalties for it. My PRO is useless and I can’t do content ID myself, and I don’t know what else to do. Pretty depressing.


    Never heard back from BMI about this.


    I have a few vids on youtube with well over a million views.

    Ive notified PRS but nothing ever comes through. I last statement did have a youtube payment but it equated to pence!

    grey area it seems….


    Rec Head

    Hi Soph,

    According to someone I spoke to at PRS, the rate they pay out is £5 per 30,000 views. Stats like that make me wonder why anyone bothers.

    By the way – did you see the reply in the PRS / SESAC thread? Would be interested to hear your answers there too.


    Thanks for sharing your experiences everybody! Gotta check out that other thread now…

    Del Smyth

    £5 per 30,ooo views is extremely incorrect.


    I’ve submitted the URL to the part of PRS where they let you report Youtube uses but nothing has ever come my way from them.

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