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Art MunsonKeymaster
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Art MunsonKeymaster“Oh, I totally understand the need for them. It just that it takes 4-5 tries before I can get one to go through!”
Oh, that’s a bummer, I hadn’t heard that before. I’ll look around for another Captcha plug in.
Art MunsonKeymaster“also, these captcha codes are ridiculous…”
You wouldn’t think so if you had to clean up from the spam bots every day! As it is they still get some through.
Art MunsonKeymasterNo, I didn’t file anything so they were picked up off a cue sheet(?). Interestingly they were on the USA Network which according to the BMI site they don’t collect on. I think that info must not be up to date.
Art MunsonKeymaster“Almost all my jp placements are on cable shows that have lots of reruns over months of airing.”
It’s been said here before. It’s a numbers game!
Art MunsonKeymaster“JP does do much more than just MTV placements, I have placements with them on quite a few cable and network shows”
Very true. In fact last BMI statement I had over $1500 in just PAs (Promotional Announcements) JP was responsible for.
Art MunsonKeymasterWish I could get the ^@%#$ “Quote” thing to work!
Okay here goes.
Great post as usual MichaelL. I agree that generally AS and other RF libraries have a different client base than a JP type library. I do tend to throw everything at a library though.
“When I get an assignment from a library, 9 times out of 10 its not “give us a rock track, or a hip hop track. etc” It’s give us a sports track, a news track, a nostalgic track.”
The above is the thing that took a long time to get through my head. I do find by changing the description to point to a “use” instead of a genre it seems to be helping sales on RF sites. In fact AS seems to be adding those “use” type of “genres” more and more.
Art MunsonKeymasterHi Cari, Have you checked out
Don’t know if they are still active.Art MunsonKeymaster“Thanks lots left to do on it”
There is no end. Every time I get something figured out something else breaks! LOL!
Art MunsonKeymasterI’m still in the non-exclusive camp as my PRO money is almost all non-exclusive and grows each quarter. A good chunk of that is from Jingle Punks (and yes I see stuff on Scripps every day, sigh…).
Art MunsonKeymaster“Is that through wordpress Art? My problem is that I have composer accounts, which have to all have privaleges to upload to the bucket…”
Yes, I’m using WordPress but I use S3 only for my own songs. I could imagine with other composers it would get complex.
Art MunsonKeymaster“I looked into Amazon S3 hosting – its relatively cheap per GB, but getting it implemented to your website can be pretty expensive”
Hmmm, not the case for me. I use Synhosting to host my site for about $100 per year and use S3 to store all the preview and master files. S3 didn’t cost anything to set up and they charge for traffic which is very reasonable. Just set up your buckets on S3 and call the links from your site. Works great!
[Edit] To clarify. I set up S3 myself and it’s a bit tricky but not that hard. E-mail me and I’ll try to help you.
Art MunsonKeymasterHere’s an article I ran across at Audiosparx about what they do as a music library. Certainly worth reading when contemplating starting up one’s own library.
Art MunsonKeymasterThanks MichaelL for posting that. I was going to say pretty much the same thing but you said it so much better!
I’m still working on my library site. It’s been a couple of years and I thought I could get away completely free. It will probably cost me about $1k as there were a couple of features I wanted that couldn’t be met by existing plugins. The good side of my taking so long is that I am learning more and the site will be much better for it.
Art MunsonKeymasterIt’s a ton of work following this path. I find I spend the mornings with admin work and the afternoons with writing. Now where is that intern when you need one!