Collecting on Promo

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    Hi all – I’ve been hawking MLR for some time, but this is my first post. Thanks for all the great info! I’m currently cringing and would appreciate any advice:

    I have a cue being used for 90 seconds every hour on Nick Jr. as part of a “Monster Truck Trivia” promo. It has been airing for about 4 months every other commercial break!
    I contacted the library that placed it and they said there was no sync and any PRO back-end will only come if it happens to air during an ASCAP sample survey.

    Tunesat doesn’t monitor Nick JR and I’ve never used Competitrack, but I assume it is considered a promo and might not show up — and I didn’t even see Nick Jr. on their list.

    Does anyone know a way I can possibly make money on this placement? Worst case scenario, is sample survey promo money pennies even in heavy rotation?

    Any help greatly appreciated, thanks!



    Promo money is great on network, but I imagine Nick Jr is much much lower. Fingers crossed it shows up on a survey, might a nice 4 figure bump. But some channels are literally surveyed just twice a year, so I wouldn’t be too optimistic!


    Thanks for your reply — it gave me a glimmer of hope! I have yet to receive a reply from ASCAP for 2 months now, so my hope is dwindling.

    Could have made my year, but instead I got gypped by lack of reporting and monitoring. Serious salt in the wounds considering I hear it every time I watch TV with my children!

    Thank you for the “4 figure bump” power of positive thinking!


    Update: I just found out the last time Nick Jr was surveyed was in the early AM hours back in 2014!

    Looks like I am another case of too bad so sad. Bummer.

    Rounding Down:
    90 (days) x 12 (hours) = 1,080 plays

    1,080 (plays) x 1 (minute) = 1,080 minutes or 18 hours straight of music = $0

    I am typically positive about the give and take of landing promos and Scripps, but this….oof…this one hurts.


    I can relate Shannon. I had a 23 second promo air over 2000 times on MSG (Madison Square Garden) and NHL channels last spring. I submitted a claim to ASCAP a month ago today with Tunesat audio and data. No reply yet, but I think it will be a waste of time.


    @GoldenEar and @Alan – sorry to read this! I’m also an ASCAP member and have cue sheets in my account right now that will never earn anything due to the survey/lack of air schedules from stations, etc per ASCAP.

    I’m still new to the cue game but stories like this are VERY disconcerting! Is this a similar scenario at BMI, SESAC or unique to ASCAP? For anyone with experience – is lack of earnings on a cue with this many uses “normal”?

    I understand the library game requires lots of cues but the scenario described by the OP seems even more of a gut punch if a writer’s songs are (hypothetically) signed exclusively, getting used, and still earning nothing.

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