Anyone else doing sound design/sound effects on the side ?

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    Jay, I would be interested in knowing which library has the $8 limit. I might limit what I send to them. Hmm….let’s see, wink, nod and try an abbreviation.



    Some replies get caught in the moderation cue for various reason. Sometimes for links, sometimes for words that might be a partial match for a profanity or just mysterious reasons. Your post has been set free! 🙂

    Thanks Art..

    As with other areas of this business, it sounds like it takes a a few thousand FX along a substantial investment of time and money, to get a decent return.

    Absolutely Michael..the way I look at making $ off of music or SFX through libraries is…it’s worth it if this is something you would do even if you weren’t getting paid..which I was for years and when saw I could make some $ if I applied a little more effort and made some connections I was quite happy..I was a recording geek/DJ long before I picked up a guitar and started writing music/songs..I would be doing this sort of thing with or w/out the $ anyway..Jay


    Jay, I would be interested in knowing which library has the $8 limit. I might limit what I send to them. Hmm….let’s see, wink, nod and try an abbreviation.


    how’s RV and that’s for short SFX..I’m pretty sure you can get $10. for longer SFX but that’s it..I still find it worth selling there and they do well by me but would love to get up to my average of $16. per SFX…Jay


    how’s RV and that’s for short SFX..I’m pretty sure you can get $10. for longer SFX but that’s it..I still find it worth selling there and they do well by me but would love to get up to my average of $16. per SFX…Jay

    Recreational Vehicle??? 😛
    Thanks Jay. Yeah that’s probably about right for their market, which is fine if you make it up in volume.

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