Formats for different sites…consistency?

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    I’ve gathered my tracks for submission, and immediately learned that I have to convert my files in order to upload to the first site to 16-bit wav (my .wav files are all 24-bit). No prob converting via iTunes….but….
    Is there a music library standard?
    Do we need several different formats for all our tracks in order to be on various sites?
    So for those of you with ‘multiple site’ residence for their tracks….please chime in!!!



    Hey Pictunes, yes it can get pretty crazy out there. Many libraries are 16bitx44.1kHz; but there’s a wide range of others with different requirements spanning an entire range of bit rates, sample rates and even file types. I haven’t really found a standard if one wants to be competitive, and am still working on how to streamline the conversion process to acommodate all in the least amount of time. I’m also interested in other’s opinions…

    Art Munson

    All my masters are 48k, 24 (wav) but I also convert a copy to 44.1, 16. That seems to cover most requests except for the occasional 48k, 16 aif,

    Happy Ears

    Standard delivery for TV is 16-48k, same as Post audio specs like SFX and dialog. That’s the closest thing to a standard I’ve seen in broadcast. Dub mixer’s format is usually 48k so if u del;over 44.1 it will be Resampled when it goes into the Re Recorder’s session. All this 24 bit stuff is often sales tools used by the same people who will ask you how to convert a MP3 into a 24 bit 48k wave file ha ha ha. I’ve noticed that libraries who deals with mostly single drop licensing is often 16.44.1 and broadcast backend bulk libraries are often 16 48.
    My master format is 16b 48k
    Just my 2 cent.


    These days I’m usually asked to deliver at 48k 24bit, for mastering.

    Michael Chaney

    CD quality (44.1k/stereo/16-bit samples) is fine and pretty much the standard. A lot of production companies want WAVs but the catalog will usually take care of that for you. There’s functionally no difference between WAV and AIF, and FLAC is fine as well. For most equipment, there’s also little difference between 16 and 24 bit samples sizes in terms of audio quality.

    Ultimately, if you master at 24-bit 48k you can create any required format trivially and will be able to cover 100% of the requirements of the catalogs out there.

    The only *real* takeaway is to make sure you have a lossless high-quality copy of everything you own.

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