Track names too long?

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    Del Smyth

    Hi there,

    I just sent this trailer to a trailer house (probably one of the best tracks I have done in fact) and the reply was a bit rude tbh. Amongst other things they criticized the title as being too long (I called it – ‘Saving the Elephants for a Rainy Day, Preserving the Preservable and Making Extinction Extinct’ – because it tells a musical story and is also quite clever).

    I hadn’t heard this before, track titles being too long! It seems a ridiculous remark. In this case, because of the nature of the track the title HAD to be long. It’s about wildlife preservation and I didn’t want to just call it ‘Elephants’.

    Surely the title are important to the end user yes? Do you guys limit your titles? If so how can you describe the track?






    Art Munson

    Hi Del,

    Seems overly long to me. Also, I don’t know if it’s true now but there was a time that some operating systems couldn’t handle a file name that long. It also looks like you had spaces in that file name, another potential problem. But the real problem is the length.




    The title IS ridiculously long. If the music doesn’t speak for itself, putting the “story” in the title won’t change a thing.

    More important would be for the title to somehow reflect the style, mood, vibe, etc.

    Learn from the experience.

    Best 😀


    A lot of my library clients prefer one word track names. Most of the trailer music tracks I’ve done are either the names of Greek / Roman Gods or a descriptor for fighting/strength/glory etc.

    A long name makes it hard for extra info to be placed in the file name, like:

    LIB23_Track Name_NO MELODY.aiff

    Also, they might spell a complicated track name incorrectly on a cue sheet, potentially meaning you lose out on royalties.


    Library A&R are busy people, deluged with submissions. To be honest, with a title that long and, seemingly far a field, I’m not sure that I would even listen to the cue, because I would assume that the music is likely to be equally off the mark, which may be a complete disservice to your  composition. Don’t shoot yourself in the foot.

    Del Smyth

    To be fair I also had ‘Ants’ rejected too so there seems very little sense in what they say! They contradict themself!!


    Hi Del,

    It has been my experience that names that are one or two words should be enough to paint a picture of what the track is.  Imagine you were shopping for a car and the model name was an entire 14 word sentence…..ineffective marketing most likely.

    Once a short effective name lures them into listening, the music had better be up to task.

    Chances are likely that your music was rejected because: 1. they didn’t have a need for it right now, 2. your style/genre isn’t something they normally market 3. it didn’t meet their quality standards.

    perhaps:  ‘Saving Ivory’ — doesn’t tell the entire story but the music should

    And again, all just my opinion.   Best of luck.


    >>>>> Chances are likely that your music was rejected because: 1. they didn’t have a need for it right now, 2. your style/genre isn’t something they normally market 3. it didn’t meet their quality standards.

    Yes, that is almost certainly why your tracks were rejected. Most trailer houses are pretty selective with very high standards.

    The very long title did, however, make you look very much like a non-professional– something you’d rather not do in the future. It’s like sloppiness on a resume when applying for a job.

    Best of luck!

    Del Smyth

    Thanks for the feedback guys! Some good points raised there as usual.

    Who knows why things get rejected eh? You can send in wonderful tracks and they just don’t go for it. Then again I hear really bad tracks and they seem to have accepted them!! No science to it is there? The library biz is a crazy world!! Maybe it just mirrors real life eh? Not always the good guy that gets the beautiful blonde right? 🙂

    I don’t know what to think really, like ‘Ants’ is a short title so that’s good then right? It is quite obvious what the track is meant to portray right? But also I devised these tracks as being perfectly suited to a lucrative niche – 60 sec promo trailers and they are of good quality I think even though they are only short. But still they were rejected. I am now going to try a different approach and try Extreme, Two Steps from Hell or KPM – libraries that are perhaps more experienced with trailer stuff. I will keep you posted and let you know how I get on.  I will also try submitting to them on CD instead of online (which is how the UK libs prefer it as they have teams dedicated to spotting new talent via demo submissions).

    Here is one of the rejected tracks ‘Ants’ – any suggestions on how to make this better would be appreciated as I will be submitting it along (with 9 others) as an album concept to the libraries mentioned above. I did meet this guy on a forum who is a top composer and he had a listen and his comment was that the intro needs to be shorter. But then again, that’s not a very good comment as the idea is of a gradual build to get over the impression of marching ants! It wouldn’t work with an intro. And anyway, if it did that it would no longer last 60 seconds!! So perhaps not a sensible suggestion there. Anyway, here it is:

    Thanks guys,



    Is this a joke?


    Very epic indeed!

    Del Smyth

    Is this a joke???? What do you mean by that????

    OK if that’s the attitude I’ll take the track down.  Thanks for the supportive feedback guys. Sorry there’s some arrogant people on here that just like to diss others so I will go elsewhere.

    I don’t need to be insulted thanks very much.

    I’m outta here.



    To be honest, one of the first things you need to do is be way more receptive to feedback from experienced folks:

    “I did meet this guy on a forum who is a top composer and he had a listen and his comment was that the intro needs to be shorter. But then again, that’s not a very good comment as the idea is of a gradual build to get over the impression of marching ants! It wouldn’t work with an intro. And anyway, if it did that it would no longer last 60 seconds!! So perhaps not a sensible suggestion there.”

    The above says it all.

    Also, the fact that you continue to talk about titles so much, concerns me. It says to me you are not catching on that it’s about the MUSIC.  A bad title can hurt you (such as one that is a Charles Dickens novel) but other than that, it’s not the most important thing.

    Best of luck.


    Troll. Probably got kicked off the Sound on Sound forum!

    Art Munson

    @Del “Sorry there’s some arrogant people on here that just like to diss others so I will go elsewhere.”

    That’s an overstatement. I don’t know what “TheOne” meant but that was the only questionable statement I saw here. You might have asked “TheOne” what he meant. It sounds like you may have a very thin skin which will not serve you well in this (or any) business.

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