Tunesat detection for short UK advert – Found a Youtube video

Home Forums PROs Tunesat detection for short UK advert – Found a Youtube video

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  • #32055
    Art Munson

    Numerator is not in the business of charging writers for the data they min

    True but that was not the point. The point was how they identify an “occurrence”.


    Well numerator can not identify 2 of my spots airing in Europe right now. Tunesat did though. So I am armed with that knowledge. I have 2 TV spots on air in Europe. I found them on youtube. But now what? All I can do is send youtube links of the spots to my USA PRO and hope that they chase the performance royalties down on my behalf and pay me in 2 years through the reciprocal agreements? This approach does not give me any confidence of future payment. Any advice for me? It sure would be nice to get paid in 2020 for 2019 air dates but I doubt that will be the case. We need a “numerator” for Europe I suppose. Does that service exist over there?

    Art Munson

    Well numerator can not identify 2 of my spots airing in Europe right now.

    Sounds like you are SOL.


    I will stay on this and find a way to get paid. I am waiting for responses from my PRO. I have been paid for European spots before and I know one way to do it is to actually find a publisher over there and ask them to register the title as sub publisher. They would then collect on my behalf and send me the money, but I am trying to avoid that because frankly, I should be collecting as both writer and publisher through the reciprocal agreements.

    All of this nonsense could be avoided if stock sites would actually take broadcast TV spot licensing more seriously. I am not sure numerator means a damn thing to the UK, France, Germany, and The Netherlands (PRS, SACEM, GEMA, BUMA STERMA) If some European writers who are members of these pros can chime in, that would be ideal. Anyone?


    I finally got into numerator. Tunesat detections are 20 now, different cable channels (MTV UK, Channel 5, Comedy Central UK, etc), but numerator search results are only 1 on MTV.

    Question: is the “ad code” what I need to send to BMI in case I don’t see any statements in the future?

    Art Munson

    Question: is the “ad code” what I need to send to BMI in case I don’t see any statements in the future?

    File the form now. Fill out as much as you can and place the code where indicated on the form. E-mail to CJINGLES@BMI.COM.


    I’ve already sent the info with the ad code.

    Honestly I couldn’t have figured this out without your help. Big thanks!

    Art Munson

    My pleasure AllanGiorgio!


    Hi Guys,

    I’ve also recently found out that an old track of mine has been bought, probably through a popular RF website and is currently being used for an advert on youtube and multiple TV stations in the US.

    I’m in the UK so have contacted the PRS and with all the details that I have and am waiting to see how they respond.

    I contacted Numerator through their website t (thanks for the info and the link Art!) but haven’t heard back from them yet. I’ll post an update on here if/when I do.

    Fingers crossed!!


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